Facoltà di Ingegneria - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Progettazione per il Recupero di Edifici
Repair and restoration of buildings
Enrico Quagliarini

Seat Ingegneria
A.A. 2016/2017
Credits 9
Hours 72
Period II
Language ENG


Learning outcomes
The course aims to provide students with the tools needed to design interventions for the recovery and preservation of historical buildings in the light of the current instances of seismic upgrading and architectural restoration. The purpose is to train a high-level professional engineer able to identify the problems and to provide consequent design solutions about the issues related to the recovery, the enhancing and the preservation of existing buildings, especially by taking into account the innovations in this topic.
Students will have to be able to critically read existing buildings both from a qualitative and a quantitative standpoint, so as to face with high-level (complex) design solutions and to carry out the research and development of new methodologies. They will also have to be able to responsibly design solutions based on their professional and engineering methodologies, beyond the usual rules and the current standards. This will be performed through the following skills: 1. The capability of reading existing buildings along their historical evolution; 2. The capability of identifying their damages and degradation processes; 3. The capability of designing the “right” solution following the previous issues.
Students, working alone or in team, will have to resolve one or more problems by providing some designing solutions. This will contribute to enhance their autonomy and their team-working, and to favour their communication skills so as to clearly and properly justify their designing choices. In this framework, students will be driven to autonomously look for their educational material, to get a synthesis, to test their skills on problems solving and to explain what they learnt.

How to intevene on historical constructions: evolution of the scientific positions and today's debate. How a historical masonry building works: critical survey as a knowledge and diagnostic tool, failure processes. Local mechanisms and particular structures (arches, vaults,…). Assessing the vulnerability of historical buildings. How to design actions to recover and preserve historical constructions into the framework of the actual Architectural Restoration and seismic upgrading issues. Traditional and innovative interventions. Guidelines for monumental buildings. Historical surfaces conservation. Behavioural design and historical buildings (mention). Case studies.

Development of the examination
students are evaluated through 2 levels: - first level: evaluation of the annual training exercises; - second level: oral exam on some of the topics of the course.

Students will have to be able to critically read existing buildings both from a qualitative and a quantitative standpoint, at both the two previous levels. Particular attention will be paid at their capability of reading existing buildings along their historical evolution; identifying their damages and degradation processes; responsibly designing the “right” solution following the previous issues.

Students' skill on problem-solving by providing technical detailed designing solutions and properly justifying their design choices will be evaluated at both the two previous levels.

The maximum evaluation, that is 30 cum laude, is assigned to students who demonstrate, at both the previous two levels, an excellent skill on problem-solving by providing technical detailed designing solutions and properly justifying their design choices. The smallest evaluation, that is 18, is assigned to students who demonstrate, at both the previous two levels, a sufficient skill on problem-solving by providing technical detailed designing solutions and properly justifying their design choices.

Recommended reading
- Vallucci S., Quagliarini E., Lenci S. (2014) Costruzioni storiche in muratura. Vulnerabilità sismica e progettazione degli interventi, Utet Wolters Kluwer Italia - Doglioni F., Codice di pratica (linee guida) per la progettazione degli interventi di ri

  • Ingegneria Edile (Corso di Laurea Magistrale (DM 270/04))

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