Facoltà di Ingegneria - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Ingegneria Idraulica per l'Edilizia
Hydraulic Engineering for building
Sara Corvaro

Seat Ingegneria
A.A. 2015/2016
Credits 9
Hours 72
Period I
Language ENG


Learning outcomes
The aim of course is to provide the theoretical and practical fundamentals of the hydraulic knowledge useful for the system sizing of catchment, the reuse of the meteoric waters and for the project of water systems inside the buildings.

Generalities on fluids and basic principles of hydrostatics. The static thrust of a fluid on planar/non-planar surfaces. Fluid kinematics and dynamics. Pressure channel flow. The Bernoulli Theorem. Problems of design and control of hydraulic plants. Overview of open-channel flow. Overview of urban sewer collection and water distribution systems. Design of sanitary sewer and of internal waterworks for civil buildings. Overview of wastewater engineering treatment disposal. Rainwater harvesting and reuse for environmental-friendly buildings. Swimming pools. Water architecture.

Development of the examination
The exam consists in an oral test and in the discussion of the exercise work that the candidate presents for the exam. The oral test consists in some questions requested to the candidate about the topics of the course. The exercise work consists in resolving some applying practices about the topics of the course, proposed during the lessons and individually carried out by the candidate or by a group of a maximum of three students.The topic of the exercise work can be chosen by the candidate with teacher's approval

The positive result of the exam is proved if the candidate shows, by means of the previously described tests, to have well understood the topics proposed during the lessons and to be able to apply autonomously the methods and the procedures used for the exercise work.

Assignment of the final grade in thirtiethes.

if the candidate obtains at least the pass grade for both the oral test and the exercise work and in describing the applyied methods, he reaches a positive final evaluation. Maximum evaluation is reached when the candidate shows a deep and complete knowledge of the topics of the course. The praise is reserved to those candidates that carry out oral test and exercise work exactly and completely and that distinguish themselves for them special excellence both for the oral presentation and for the editing of their exercise work.

Recommended reading
Citrini D., Noseda G, ”Idraulica”, Ed. Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, Milano, ISBN 88-408-0588-5 Gallizio A., ”Impianti sanitari”, Ed. Hoepli, Milano, ISBN 88-203-2131-9 Da Deppo L., Datei C., ”Fognature”, Libreria Cortina, Padova. Da Deppo L., Datei C., Fior

  • Ingegneria Edile (Corso di Laurea Magistrale (DM 270/04))

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