Facoltà di Ingegneria - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Costruzioni Idrauliche
Hydraulic costructions
Giovanna Darvini

Seat Ingegneria
A.A. 2015/2016
Credits 9
Hours 72
Period II
Language ENG

Contents acquired from the course of Hydraulics.

Learning outcomes
The course aims to provide an adequate knowledge of the theoretical and technical aspects related to the management of water resources in urban areas, in particular, as regards the drainage and water supply systems.

Elements of Hydrology. Collection and analysis of hydrological data. Overview of sewer collection systems and regulations. Storm and sanitary sewer discharge evaluation. Piping materials and aspects of construction. Combined sewer overflow and detention basins: quality aspects of overflow management. Constructive aspects dealing with ground water table. Road, fluvial and railway crossings. Pump system design. Overview of water distribution systems and regulations. Quantity and quality requirements of water for human consumption. Development, transmission and distribution of drinking water. Storage tanks. Valves. Piping materials and aspects of construction. Management of water distribution networks.

Development of the examination
The exam is based on a written test and on a oral discussion. The written test consists in resolving some exercices about the topics of the course. The oral test consists in a oral discussion of the course contents.

The positive result of the exam is reached if the student shows, by means of the previously described tests, to have well understood the topics proposed during the lessons and to be able to apply autonomously the methods and the procedures presented.

Assignment of the final grade in thirtieths. The final grade is obtained by considering the evaluation of the written and oral test.

A positive final evaluation is reached by obtaining at least the passing grade in each of the tests (written and oral). Maximum evaluation is reached when the candidate shows a deep and complete knowledge of the topics of the course in both the tests.

Recommended reading
Da Deppo L., Datei C., ”Fognature”, Edizioni Progetto - Padova, 2011. Da Deppo L., Datei C., Fiorotto V., Salandin P., ”Acquedotti”, Edizioni Progetto - Padova, 2011.

  • Ingegneria Civile e Ambientale (Corso di Laurea Triennale (DM 270/04))

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