Facoltà di Ingegneria - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Fisica Generale 2 (INF)
General Physics 2
Gianni Albertini

Seat Ingegneria
A.A. 2015/2016
Credits 9
Hours 72
Period II
Language ENG

Knowledge of the basic concepts, physical quantities and methods introduced in the ”Fisica Generale 1” course

Learning outcomes
The course aims to provide students with knowledge of the fundamentals of electromagnetism, waves, lens and some formal and technical tools usually used in the study of such topics. The course aims to provides basic knowledge in the second and third law of thermodynamics and their consequences, entropy, thermodynamic probability, free energy.

The Second Law of Thermodynamics. Heat Engines and refrigerating machines; Thermal efficiency and coefficient of performance (COP). Carnot cycle. Carnot theorem. Entropy. Entropic diagram. Entropy and statistic; thermodynamic probability; Entropy, order and information. Helmoltz free energy. Gibbs free energy. Absolute temperature and thermal efficiency. Third law of Thermodynamics and absolute zero Electric, gravitational and magnetic fields in vacuum. Direct current electrical circuits, resistance, capacity, power suppliers. Magnetic moment. Time varying fields. Induction, self-inductance, mutual inductance. Alternate current circuits. The oscilloscope. Electric and magnetic fields in the matter. Maxwell equations in vacuum and in the materials, with steady and time-varying fields. Oscillations and waves. Superposition, Huygens and Fourier laws. Wave speed. Bel, dB. Octaves. Beating. Phase speed and group speed. Standing waves. Doppler effect. The wake. Diffraction and diffusion. Beams. Many sources interference and diffraction. Bragg diffraction. Refraction, reflection, total reflection. Wave/particle duality. Lenses. Thin lens approximation. Linear and angular magnifying powers. Resolution power, limit of useful magnification, chromatic aberration

Development of the examination
The learning evaluation is performed by using one written and one oral tests The written examination may be replaced by two partial tests, one on the topics of the first part of the course, the other on the remaining part. Partial test are only possible until the first exam session after the course (typically by February for courses of the first semester and July for those in the second). The written test (or the two partial tests) is valid fourteen months, also for many oral tests if it is the case. The final valutation is mainly based on the oral exam.

The written tests give access to the oral one(s) and aim to check the ability to solve simple problems related to the course topics. The oral examinations aim to test the ability to expose a topic in a clear way, to connect different parts of the program, to use the language of Physics and the formalism of Mathematics in a way appropriate to the course level. Personal opinions, explanations, interpretations are appreciated (unless they are totally erroneous or misleading).

The examinations are considered a part of the learning process. Thus, their aim is not a simple valutation mark or a decision for passing or failing. On the contrary, they aim to suggest the parts of the program to be better understood, if it is the case,

The written test gives access to the oral one(s). It aims to check the ability to solve simple problems related to the course topics. The final valutation is mainly based on the oral exam, which aims to evaluate the mastery of the course topics and the ability to explain them to other people, to connect different parts of the program, to use the language of Physics and the mathematical formalism in an appropriate way. Personal opinions, explanations, interpretations are appreciated (unless they are totally erroneous or misleading).

Recommended reading
- G.Albertini, ”Appunti di elettromagnetismo, ottica e onde” nuova edizione con esercizi svolti, Ed.Pitagora, Bologna - G.Albertini, ”Thermo”, Ed.Pitagora, Bologna

  • Ingegneria Informatica e dell'Automazione (Corso di Laurea Triennale (DM 270/04))

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