Facoltà di Ingegneria - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Teoria e Applicazioni delle Microonde
MicrowavesTheory and Applications
Marco Farina

Seat Ingegneria
A.A. 2016/2017
Credits 9
Hours 72
Period I
Language ENG

It is assumed that the student be familiar with the theory of electromagnetics

Learning outcomes
This course introduces students to the knowledge and understanding of advanced concepts of the theory of microwave components. Knowledge will be broadband, setting the course in an interdisciplinary context. Students will be able to understand and to know –as well as to define- innovative techniques for design and analysis of high frequency components and circuits.
The course provides applying knowledge of the advanced theory of microwave components to problems of analysis and synthesis of microwave components and circuits, emphasizing applications in emerging domains such as nanotechnology.
This course has been designed in order to highlight link to different disciplines, thereby improving students’ ability to learn individually. By proposing applications in innovative areas of microwave theory, the course improves the student ability in assessing the possible application of emerging technologies in design problems. By focusing on interdisciplinarity, students are introduced to tools enabling team working with experts from different disciplinary areas.

Lessons (64 hours): Recap on the guided propagation and transmission lines; modal representations and discontinuities in waveguides; Hertz potentials and loaded waveguides; Green functions; analysis and techniques of analysis of planar structures; Galerkin method; resonant cavities; passive and active microwave circuits; advanced microwave measurement techniques; synthesis techniques; SPM microscopy and microwave microscopy (SMM); nuclear magnetic resonance and EPR resonance; Laboratory (8 hours): VNA calibration; SPM scans.

Development of the examination
Assessment of student learning is performed through an oral examination. The oral examination consists of a discussion of some of the topics covered during the course. The number of arguments is not fixed, but is a function of the behavior in the oral examination. Failing an oral test does not preclude registration to the following exams.

In order to successfully pass the assessment, the student must demonstrate ability in mastering the concepts introduced in the course; in particular, students must demonstrate that they are able to derive, demonstrate and connect relations and properties at the base of the theory and design of devices and microwave components.

The exam is performed in order to assess: 1) the efforts made by the student in the preparation of the exam 2) what the student has learned, and what actually understood 3) student's ability to develop its own considerations and criticisms of the concepts studied and the skills to use them independently, applying to issues not explicitly covered in the course 4) the possible impact of particular personal circumstances (emotional, communication and learning problems, kind of triennial course previously attended by the student).

The use of the learning measurement criterion 1 ) enables to establish a rating between 0 and 20; criterion 2) , obviously if criterion 1) is satisfied, allows to rate the student between 20 and 28), while criterion 3 ) allows to assign marks between 28 and 30. All ratings are weighted by the criterion 4 ), according to which the duration of the examination may vary greatly. During the course are explicitly mentioned topics of extreme complexity, optional, that, if learned by those who have been proven to meet criterion 3), allow to get the “laude” mark.

Recommended reading
D. Pozar, Microwave engineering, Wiley; lecture notes

  • Ingegneria Elettronica (Corso di Laurea Magistrale (DM 270/04))

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