Facoltà di Ingegneria - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Meccanica delle Macchine Automatiche
Mechanics of Automatic Machinery
Luca Carbonari

Seat Ingegneria
A.A. 2016/2017
Credits 6
Hours 48
Period II
Language ENG

Basics of kinematics and dynamics of mechanical systems

Learning outcomes
The multidisciplinary attitude of the Mechanics of Automatic Machinery allows providing the students with knowledge in several fields, which are partially specialized accordingly to the Course of Study. The students will acquire concepts on the modelling techniques of mechatronic systems, via both analytical and numerical algorithms and will be trained in the use of a commercial software for simulation of multibody systems. Moreover, they will learn the fundamentals of control of automatic machines and of mechatronics systems. The Automation Engineering students only will be trained on the methods for the analysis of simple mechanical systems, and for the functional description of the commonly used mechanisms, such as gearing and transmissions
The students will be able to choose, and correctly use, the appropriate analytical methods for modelling and simulation of mechatronic systems behavior, both in feed-forward and feedback configurations. Moreover, the students will be capable of performing analyses of kinematics, of statics, and of dynamics of mechatronic systems, such as robots or automatic machineries, by means of numerical software tools and of multibody simulation environments, thanks to the acquired ability of critical interpretation of results
The development of group projects and their presentations during the examination will train the students to solve problems for which personal choices are required, as far as the attitude to work in team, to support and defend their own ideas in a technical environment, to show out the results of their own efforts in a well understandable way, and to be effective and convincing within their technical reports. Moreover, the peculiarity of the course of being populated of both Mechanical Engineering and Automation Engineering students, will address students towards multidisciplinarity, cross-sectorial issues and industrial innovation

he course owns different topics for Automation Engineering (9 CFU, 72 hours of lectures) students and for Mechanical Engineering (6CFU, 48 hours of lectures) students as it follows: 1. KINEMATICS (for Automation Engineering students) Constraints and contact geometry. Mobility of machineries. Position, velocity and acceleration analysis of planar mechanisms. Kinematics of machines in space. 2. STATICS (for Automation Engineering students) Equations of statics. Static characterization of kinematic constraints. Relation between kinematics and statics. Contact forces and dissipative effects. 3. DYNAMICS (for Automation Engineering students) Geometry of masses. Equations of dynamics. Direct and inverse dynamics. Methods for dynamic modelling of mechanical systems. Efficiency of mechanical systems. 4. MECHANISMS (for Automation Engineering students) Gears. Power transmissions. Bearings. 5. CAE TOOLS FOR ANALYSIS OF MECHANICAL SYSTEMS Kinematics of systems via absolute coordinates. Constraint equations and constraint Jacobian matrix. Basic concepts on algorithms for solution of ODE and DAE systems of equations. Use examples of multibody systems modelling via dedicated software environment: MSC ADAMS. 6. ROBOT MECHANICS Industrial and advanced robotics. Applicative examples and industrial standards. Basic concepts of kinematics in robotics: Denavit-Hartenberg notation, workspace analysis, manipulability ellipsoids. Motion planning: joint space motion planning and trajectories in the workspace. Experiences of industrial robot programming. Architectures of control systems in robotics. Components for automations: electrical motors and speed variators. Criteria for selection of electric motors. Sensors for use in robotic applications. Robot control schemes.

Development of the examination
The level of the student learning will be assessed through two tests: - a presentation and discussion of a project for which the student will be asked to model and analyze a simple mechanical system, defined in agreement with the teacher. - an oral examination, whose object will be the discussion of one or more topics of the course, even through exercises. The project will be carried out in groups of up to 4 people and will be discussed by the simultaneous participation of all students in the group during the oral examination.

Passing the test is subject to demonstration by the student's knowledge of the main contents of the course: methods of modeling and analysis of multibody systems and resolution of dynamic equations, the main mechanical components and their operation. In addition, the student must be able to apply the tools of analysis acquired in the study of simple mechanical systems, showing a sufficient sensitivity in the solution of problems of mechanics and automatics.

Passing the exam with a minimum mark requires sufficient knowledge about all the topics of the course. The maximum mark requires a good knowledge of the course content as well as an excellent evaluation of the project. The praise is reserved for students who, having done all the tests so correctly, have demonstrated a particular brilliance in the oral presentation.

Attribution of the final mark in thirtieths. The teacher will be able to verify the knowledge and technical skills acquired by the student through the project evaluation. Then the investigation will be competed with a discussion on the topics of the course. The project and the oral esamination will be considered, respectively, with a weight of 1/3 and 2/3 on the overall evaluation.

Recommended reading
- J.J. Craig. Introduction to Robotics: Mechanics & Control. 3rd Ed., 2004, Pearson Prentice-Hall. - B. Siciliano. L. Sciavicco. L. Villani. G. Oriolo. Robotica. Modellistica, pianificazione e controllo. McGraw-Hill, 2008. For Automation Engineering students it is also suggested the Machine Mechanics textbook: - M. Callegari, P. Fanghella, F. Pellicano. Meccanica applicata alle macchine. Città Studi Edizioni.

  • Ingegneria Informatica e dell'Automazione (Corso di Laurea Magistrale (DM 270/04))
  • Ingegneria Meccanica (Corso di Laurea Magistrale (DM 270/04))

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