Facoltà di Ingegneria - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Urbanistica 1 (EA)
City Planning 1
Francesco Alberti

Seat Ingegneria
A.A. 2016/2017
Credits 9
Hours 90
Period 1s
Language ENG

Acquaintance of sofware informed Autocad to us 2015 and of Arcgis 10.2.

Learning outcomes
The course Urban Planning 1 allows students to acquire knowledge on the analytical and design aspects of settlements. The processing techniques of an implementation plan in the context of a general urban plan are examined. Such knowledge will enrich the basic training for the fifth year professional course of Urban Planning Techniques. The course aims at acquiring a clear awareness of the wider multidisciplinary context of urban planning.
In order to address design issues through the application of knowledge, the student must know how to correctly interpret and translate evolving situations and possible future scenarios, even in the explanatory documents. This ability will be expressed through a number of skills, such as: 1. the ability to correctly interpret transformation phenomena; 2. the ability to identify the causes of transformations; 3. the ability to appropriately interpret the results of analyses and identify solutions of simple settlement arrangements.
An exercise will be carried out consisting of producing a document, relevant to an urban or territorial context, of a parcelling, recovery or landscape plan. The exercise will be carried out in a team and entails the drafting of a graphic and written report, which contributes to improving the autonomy of the student. The application activities of the basic concepts will allow the student to acquire multidisciplinary skills.

The Course pursues the objective to supply to the student competences of base for a interpretativa reading of the urbanistici instruments generates them and put into effect to you: Slowly general regolator, Plans of lottizzazione, glide down-volumetric Plans of recovery, Plans for the economic and popular building, Plans productive takeovers, plans. To such aim they will come illustrated cartographies of analysis and plan and norms, therefore to allow to interpret easy the modalities and potentiality of participation in the various zones and the buildings, single or combines to you in participation unit. A short practice will allow moreover the student to recognize, in relation to every manufatto (in the context of a plan of recovery or city requalification) the punctual detailed lists modality of building participation (in the carrying and not carrying structures and in the not structural elements), to second of the building type of tipologia and urban planning and the type and level of degradation of the single building. The objective is that one to make to comprise like the participations in the single elements builds up to you cannot constitute plans to if being, but they go correctly frames in the tie context and potentiality to you urban planning, that is in a context of plan of the recovery or city requalification. In such logic, also in the specificity of the Course of bachelor the student will come invited to hold account also of those aspects architectonic-composites you of the built up one that they can condition the same building participation. They will come finally exposed synthetically some principles interpreted you for the reading of tables of Formal Order and Works them, inviting the students to recognize indicated progettuali solutions ivi.

Development of the examination
Students have to arrange an essay concerning with topics of the course: meanings and symbols of ancient or ideal towns to be compared with planning choices for the town of the future.

In the practice sessions, a “Sustainable Urban Planning Project” will be developed, thus enabling the students to recognize the specific modalities of building intervention, from the type of building and urban planning context to the final choices. The students will be organized in workgroups.

The course is designed to develop knowledge of how a building project is managed and controlled — from town planning to construction, from architectural to detailed construction drawings. The final goal is to learn how the intended works are to be configured within the framework of urban constraints and potentials, also taking into account the architectural-compositional-operational aspects that qualify such works. Particular attention is focused on knowledge of the materials and construction techniques for ecosustainable design.


Recommended reading
Fabio Bronzini, Francesco Alberti, Maria Angela Bedini, (2014) “LA MISURA DEL PIANO. STRATEGIE E STRUMENTI URBANISTICI” volume n. 2, prefazione Giuseppe Imbesi, Gangemi Editore Roma ISBN 978-88-492-27604 Francesco Alberti (2012). IL PAESAGGIO TRANSITIVO. Il ruolo del progetto urbanistico per la città e il territorio contemporaneo. Prefazione di Alberto Clementi, Premessa di Fabio Bronzini. Maggioli Editore, Segrate (Milano) ISBN 978-88-387-6101-9

  • Ingegneria Edile-Architettura (Corso di Laurea Magistrale con Riconoscimento Europeo (DM 270/04))

Università Politecnica delle Marche
P.zza Roma 22, 60121 Ancona
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