Facoltà di Ingegneria - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Analisi Critica dell'Architettura
Critical Analysis of Architecture
Giovanni Bellucci

Seat Ingegneria
A.A. 2016/2017
Credits 9
Hours 72
Period II
Language ENG


Learning outcomes
The course contributes to the training of the Construction Engineer providing a picture of modern and contemporary architecture and design, through the analysis of forms, innovations and technologies from the idea to the construction. The acquired knowledge will improve the skills of the student and introduce him in the field of the renovation and regeneration of the existing buildings.
The course promotes the understanding of the complexity of the phenomena related to the renovation, and to management and transformation of the built environment. The student will acquire the knowlegde the design and construction languages of the history, from the ancient to contemporary times. His skills will be refined through the analysis of case studies of the various periods and cultures. Students will also work in groups through exercises to assess their knowledge.
The student will acquire the above knowledge through the study of theory and the teaching material provided by the teachers. The interdisciplinary approach will provide critical skills and the capacity of understanding the historical and environmental context. The workshops in the classroom and the direct contact with the work will contribute to the improvement of the abilities of the student. Group work will foster communication skills and knowledge exchange.

Architecture and engineering in ancient and modern times; The Greece (architectural models, materials and construction techniques); The Ancient Rome (materials, building technology and construction, urban models, architectural types); The Early Christian and the Byzanine architecture; The Romanescque and the Gothic architecture; The Renaissance, the Mannerism and the Baroque. Architecture and engineering in contemprary times; the industrial revolution and the birth of the Technical Schools of Engineering in Europe (engineering of concrete and engineering of metals); evolution of modern city (London, Paris, Wien, Barcelona, Philadelphia, New York, Washington, Chicago, Rome). The contribution of great master of the twentieth century: United States and Frank Lloyd Wright; Germany, Deutscher Werkbund, Walter Gropius, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe and the contribution of Peter Behrens; France by August Perret and Le Corbusier; Scandinavia, Finland and Alvar Aalto. Engineering and architecture in Italy in the twentieth century. Engineering and architecture of the late twentieth century in an international context. Monographic lectures on British School (Norman Foster, Richard Rogers, Peter Rice and Nicholas Grimshaw), the United States School (SOM, Pietro Belluschi, Peter Eisenman, Frank Gehry, Steven Holl, Philip Johnson, Richard Meier). Historical evolution of the city of Ancona in ancient and contemporary times.

Development of the examination
Oral exam: the evaluation of learning is based on a discussion of the issues presented in the lectures.

The student must demonstrate that they acquired the ability to investigate an project under several point of view: historical, technical and design.

The final knoledge checks are designed to prove not only the understanding of knowledge but the actual understanding of the thems and the real ability to describe buildings or projects. Must prove capable of applying the knowledge set in context broader but related to their field of study.

For a global positive evaluation the student to get the knowledge of full topic. Honours are reserved to student who have demonstrated an exceptionally clear knowledge of the topics.

Recommended reading
K. Frampton, "Tettonica e architettura", Skira, Milano 2005 W.J.R. Curtis, "L'architttura dal 1900", Phaidon, Londra 2006 B. Zevi, "Saper vedere l'architettura", Einaudi, Torino 1953 A. Rossi, "L'architettura della città", Quodlibet, Macerata 2011 E. Torroja, "La concezione strutturale", Città Studi Edizioni, Milano 1966 M. Salvadori, R. Heller, "Le strutture in architettura", Etas Kompass, 1964

  • Ingegneria Edile (Corso di Laurea Magistrale (DM 270/04))

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P.zza Roma 22, 60121 Ancona
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