Facoltà di Ingegneria - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Analisi Critica dell'Architettura
Critical Analysis of Architecture
Giovanni Bellucci

Seat Ingegneria
A.A. 2015/2016
Credits 9
Hours 72
Period II
Language ENG


Learning outcomes
The course aims to contribute to the training of a professional building Engineer by providing a framework of culture and engineering practice in modern and contemporary age, analyzing its formal, innovative and technological meanings from design to execution.

1. Tectonics and architecture. Some model from the past; Roman to Gothic era. The Industrial Revolution and the born of the Technical School: the School of Engineering in Europe and in Italy. 2. Engineering of metals. Railways, bridges and viaducts; the Universal Expositions and the skyscrapers. 3. The engineering of concrete: the protagonists and works in France, Switzerland, United States and Italy. 4. The urban evolution of the modern city; the great European capitals (London, Paris, Vienna, Berlin, Barcelona), American cities, the industrial city of Tony Garnier; examples Italian (Rome and Milan). 5. Contribution to engineering of the master of the twentieth century; F.L. Wright and the United States, Le Corbusier, W. Gropius, L. Mies van der Rohe, A. Aalto and some other examples in the Nordic country. 6. Leading engineering and architecture Italy after World War II: infrastructural and residential work. 7. Project and engineering achievements of the XXI century in Europe (Italy, England, Germany) and United States.

Development of the examination
Oral exam: the evaluation of learning is based on a discussion of the issues presented in the lectures.

The student must demonstrate that they have acquired the ability to investigate an project under several point of view: historical, technical and design.

The final knowledge checks are designed to prove not only the understandig of knowledge but the actual understanding of the thems and the real ability to describe buildings or projects. Must prove capable of applying the knowledge set in contexts broader but related to their field of study.

For a global positive evaluation the student to get the knowledge of full topic. Honours are reserved to students who have demonstrated an exceptionally clear knowledge of the topics.

Recommended reading
J.P. Adam, ”L'arte di costruire presso i romani. Materiali e tecniche”, Milano 1989; L. Grodecki, ”Architettura gotica”, Milano; W.J.R. Curtis, ”L'architettura dal 1900”, Phaidon; K. Frampton, ”Storia dell'architettura moderna”, Zanichelli; B. Zevi, ”Sto

  • Ingegneria Edile (Corso di Laurea Magistrale (DM 270/04))

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