Facoltà di Ingegneria - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Disegno Tecnico e Rilievo degli Edifici
Technical Drawing and Building Survey
Federica Fiori

Seat Ingegneria
A.A. 2016/2017
Credits 9
Hours 72
Period I
Language ENG

Learning outcomes
The course allows the students acquiring knowledge on the drawing of buildings and more advanced knowledge about traditional survey methods. These competences give to the students a scientific language and a technical one, in order to improve the student’s skills in the knowledge-basis of representation. This is useful to comprehend thereafter the engineering courses. The teaching of technical drawing, cooperating with architectural survey, wants to show a comprehensive framework of most common representations and tools of survey, starting from the traditional to the instrumental one.
In order to approach design issues, the student will have skills in analysis and lecture of elements of contemporary and historical architecture, moreover the student will use current tools of drawing and will apply several kind of graphical representation. These capacities will develop professional skills, as follow: 1. the capacity of representing design and technical drawings at various scales and for various steps of project 2. the capacity of planning a traditional survey or an instrumental one, applying operational choices based on the state of art 3. the capacity of developing a complete set of drawings with correct graphical norms and collaborating each other, allowing project management.
The development of a traditional survey, in a working group, with its graphical elaborations and a report, will contribute to improve the level of autonomy, the communicative skills and the ability of self-learning and to lead to conclusions.

Contents (Lessons and lectures - 51 hours) The fundamental problem of graphic representation - Fundamental geometrical entities - The concept of point and straight line to infinity - The geometrical operation of projection and section - Representation methods - Orthogonal projections - Preliminary remarks - The reference system - Representation of the point - Representation of the straight line - Representation of the piane - Conditions of belonging - Conditions of parallelism - Conditions of perpendicularity - Transformation of projections - Representation of solids - representation of geometrical elements in oblique axonometry - Conditions of belonging - Conditions of parallelism - Oblique axonometry - Orthogonal axonometry - Perspective - Mathematical basis of a CAD 2D system - Basis of BIM - Digitalisation - Identification -Choice of geometrical elements - Graphics primitive - Modifications and construction in CAD systems - CAD drawing techniques. General concepts and theoretical foundations of architectural surveying; an outline of measurement theory; surveying methods: direct, instrumental, photogrammetry, automatic. The graphic instrument for programmation of the construction process, management of work’s groups by various techniciens. Exercises (21 hours) Graphical applications

Development of the examination
- oral or paper examination about issues treated in the course with graphical applications - presentation, with drawings, of a survey project concerning a house, chosen from the student and agreed by professor The project might be carried out in a students team, composed from 2 to 4 units. If a test has negative result, the student can repeat it, maintaining the previous

The student must demonstrate, through the two tests above, knowledge of architectural drawing and survey procedures. He must also to be autonoumous to choose graphical norms, level of detail and representation scales, concerning several project phases. The student must know reference elements of main representation systems and resolve descriptive geometry problems through graphical applications.

The vote will be attributed adding the evaluation of the oral examination and that of the project. The project will have maximum 10 points. Oral or paper examination consists in 2/3 queries and have maximum 20 points.

The final evaluation will be given thirty. Laude will be given to students who have the highest rating and demonstrate full knowledge of the subject.

Recommended reading
- M. Docci , "Teoria e pratica del disegno", Laterza P. Clini, “Architettura in CAD”, Pitagora editrice, Bologna, 2008 P. Clini, “Il rilievo dell'architettura”, Alinea, 2008 M. Docci, D. Maestri, "Manuale del rilevamento architettonico e urbano", Laterza, 2009 Brusaporci, Stefano, ed. Handbook of Research on Emerging Digital Tools for Architectural Surveying, Modeling, and Representation. IGI Global, 2015. Courses slides available on moodle: https://lms.univpm.it/enrol/index.php?id=23

  • Ingegneria Edile (Corso di Laurea Triennale (DM 270/04))

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