Facoltà di Ingegneria - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Giorgio Parra

Seat Ingegneria
A.A. 2015/2016
Credits 6
Hours 48
Period II
Language ENG


Learning outcomes
The course lays the scientific foundations far various methods of representation for the different project level.

the fundamental geometric corporate body - The concept of point and straight line to the endless one - The geometric operation of projection and section - The methods of representation - Her projections ortogonali - The system of reference - You representation of the point - You representation of the straight line - You representation of the plan - you condition her of affiliation - you condition her of parallelism - you condition her of verticality - You transformation of the projections - You representation of the solid - Her axonometric projections - The Oblique axonometry Cavaliera - L' axonometry ortogonale - You perspective - mathematical Bases in a System C.A.D. 2 D - Generality - System of coordinates in the plan - System of coordinates in the space - mathematical Models - Generation of the elements base - Generality - Positioning of points - Positioning through coordinates General concepts and theoretical bases of architectural survey. To these abilities the knowledge of the most diffused systems of representation will place side by side him used in architecture or planimetrie and plants, sections, prospectuses, perspective, axonometry, analogical and digital models.

Development of the examination
The test of examination includes a discussion on the graphic tables and an oral test during which the student will have to also express him using the communication hand free graphics, In alternative to the interview a graphic test

To overcome with positive result the evaluation of the learning the student owes to show to have well inclusive the concepts exposed during the course of the lessons showing a clear understanding of the concepts related to the generation of the various graphic signs beyond the correct one

So that the result of the evaluation is positive you/he/she must be achieves the sufficiency (eighteen) in each of the two evaluations. The praise is reserved to those people that, having overcome the evaluation of the laboratory and the interview (or

So that the result of the evaluation is positive you/he/she must be achieves the sufficiency (eighteen) in each of the two evaluations. The praise is reserved to those people that, having overcome the evaluation of the laboratory and the interview (or of the possible test graphics) in way correct and suit they show particular excellence in the exposure of concepts at the base of the generation of the elaborate grafics

Recommended reading
M.Docci, ”Teoria e pratica del Disegno”, ed. Laterza, P. Clini, “Architettura in CAD”, Pitagora editrice, Bologna, 2008 D. Colistra, “Disegno dell’architettura e della città”, Iiriti editore G. Parra, Il disegno dell'architettura, Pitagora editrice, Bolo

  • Ingegneria Civile e Ambientale (Corso di Laurea Triennale (DM 270/04))

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