Facoltà di Ingegneria - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Tipologie Edilizie e Costruttive
Building Typologies
Francesca Stazi

Seat Ingegneria
A.A. 2016/2017
Credits 9
Hours 72
Period II
Language ENG


Learning outcomes
Students will acquire advanced knowledge about the design and construction of a building at different scales, as a synthesis between the user’s needs satisfaction and building constructive constraints. In particular, the course develops the topic of technological design and construction of buildings with load carrying structure in reinforced concrete, steel and timber. To that aim, the course focuses on the basic concepts related to the requirements to satisfy for different building usage types (not only residential), such as efficiency in structural design, functionality in the use of interior space and outer envelope optimization for both user comfort and energy savings. It also aims to develop specific skills related to the constructive interpretation of existing buildings and the choice of suitable techniques for new buildings, through the deepening of alternative design solutions and realization methods of the constructive elements for buildings in reinforced concrete, steel and timber. This basic knowledge will guide the design choices among several possible solutions.
Students will be able to address complex design themes, to control the whole design process by carrying out critical analyses at every stage in relation to the needs and to elaborate an executive project. Such abilities will applied in several skills, such as: 1. the ability to critically analyse an existing case study in relation to environmental and technological constraints; 2. the ability to identify optimal solutions (related to structural schemes, functional organization of the interior spaces, and materials) through the assessment of the specific requirements for different types of use (residential, offices); 3. the ability to design solutions and constructive details for various building constructive typologies (with structures in reinforced concrete, steel and timber).
Design exercises in groups will lead to the design of a residential building, to be realized with the 3 studied construction techniques (reinforced concrete, steel and timber). The project drawings will be gathered in a "book". This will help the ability to work in team. The acquisition of independent judgment skills will be evaluated through the discussion of advanced aspects of the discipline during the written and oral exams.

Frontal lessons (50 hours) The performance of buildings for various building types: efficiency of the structural design, functional distribution of the interior space (also considering barrier-free environment and fire protection), outer envelope optimization. Types of constructive components for buildings with load-bearing structure in reinforced concrete, timber and steel: foundations, structures in elevation, envelope layout. General lessons on the building process (relative to the levels and contents of the project) and driving lessons on setting themes of the project (such as site analysis). Design exercises in the classroom (22 hours). Development, by sampling, of the most significant documents of the executive project of a two-family house with basement with the illustrated construction techniques. The case study is chosen by the student and agreed with the teacher.

Development of the examination
The assessment of student learning is done through two tests: - Written test consisting of 3 questions to be completed in an hour on the topics covered in the lectures; - The oral examination focusing on their written report and if necessary on further topics covered in the lessons. The oral examination also involves the discussion on the technical documents developed during the exercises. The project can also be done in groups, usually including 2/4 students. Also in this case the discussion of the project is carried out individually.

To successfully pass the learning evaluation, the student must demonstrate, through the abovementioned tests, to understand the criteria and design procedures. The student must also know the basic information regarding the functional and structural aspects of the building.

During the exams the student's independent ability to solve technical and constructive problems and to identify, among several possible solutions, the most suitable one to the specific needs, are evaluated.

The highest mark, equal to thirty points with honors, is achieved by demonstrating in-depth knowledge of the course contents and to be able to fully develop a project that is technically feasible. The minimum mark, equal to eighteen, is assigned to students who demonstrate sufficient knowledge of the techniques for various constructive typologies.

Recommended reading
M C. Torricelli, R. Del Nord, P. Felli, “Materiali e tecnologie dell’architettura“, Ed. Laterza Koenig G.K., Furiozzi B., Brunetti F. Tecnologia delle costruzioni 12, Le Monnier. Firenze, AA. VV., “Manuale di progettazione edilizia“, Hoepli Ed., Milano Course lecture notes available on-line (https://lms.univpm.it/)

  • Ingegneria Edile (Corso di Laurea Triennale (DM 270/04))

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