Facoltà di Ingegneria - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Fisica Generale (EA)
General Physics
Daniele Eugenio Lucchetta

Seat Ingegneria
A.A. 2016/2017
Credits 6
Hours 72
Period 2s
Language ENG

Knowledge of the basic elements of differential and integral calculus

Learning outcomes
This course gives students the fundamentals of the experimental method, typical of each scientific subject, and the fundamental laws of classical mechanics and thermodynamics. It represents a basic link between the secondary school knowledge and the university teaching. The acquired knowledge allows students to get the necessary instruments for a scientific approach to the analysis of engineering problems.
The acquired knowledge and physic methods will allow students to understand, analyse and sketch engineering problems. In particular, students will have to acquire the ability to outline complex phenomena into their essential elements and to apply the classical physics laws to describe them. To this aim, the proposed exercises are usually derived from the common experience. Such knowledge and methods can be applied to many of the university courses the student will attend and, in the following, to the problems he will face during the working career.
The methodological approach acquired and the exercises proposed during this course will contribute to improve the judgement ability, the learning skill and that of drawing conclusions.

Physical observables and scientific method. Concept of Measurement. Vectors. Cynematic of the material point. Definition of force. Principles of Dynamics. Some specific forces: gravitational force, weight, elastic force. Static and dynamic friction. Other types of reactions. Work. Work and Kinetic energy. Conservative force. Potential energy. Energy conservation. Linear Momentum. The angular momentum. Systems dynamics and the third principle of mechanics. Centre of mass. Rigid systems. Equilibrium conditions. Rotational kinetic energy. Angular momentum of a rigid system. Momentum of Inertia. Temperature and its measurement. Thermal dilation. Work and Heat. Thermodynamic transformations. First principle of thermodynamics. Internal energy. Specific heat. Ideal gases. Second principle of thermodynamics. Carnot’s cycle and efficiency. Clausius’ integral, definition and calculation of entropy. The electric charge and the Coulomb law. Electric field. Electrostatic potential energy. Electric potential. Movement of charges in electric fields. Current and current density. Electric conductivity, relationship between J and E. Ohm’s law. Joule effect.

Development of the examination
The evaluation will be based on both a written and an oral exam. In the written examination, students must demonstrate that they know how to approach and solve simple exercises as well as answer some questions related to the main topic's coursework using methodologies, tools, techniques, mathematical models and knowledge acquired during the lessons. In the oral exam the student will be asked, based on their written responses, the theoretical concepts of basic physics.

To pass the test, the student has to prove, that he understands the theoretical concepts presented in the course and must be able to apply them in real-life situations framing and solving specific physics problems through logical deductive processes.

The student's independent ability to set and solve the problems presented, through the correct use of methods, models and tools, will be evaluated during the exam.

The highest score will equal thirty points with honours and will be awarded to students who demonstrate, in the two tests, complete theoretical knowledge and full autonomy to set and solve problems, complete mastery of the methods, models and tools of basic physics. The minimum score is equal to eighteen points and will be awarded to students who demonstrate, in the two tests, sufficient theoretical knowledge, good autonomy to set and solve problems, sufficient command of methods, models and tools of basic physics.

Recommended reading
Fundamentals of Physics by David Halliday,Robert Resnick any edition

  • Ingegneria Edile-Architettura (Corso di Laurea Magistrale con Riconoscimento Europeo (DM 270/04))

Università Politecnica delle Marche
P.zza Roma 22, 60121 Ancona
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