Facoltà di Ingegneria - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Chimica (MECC) (A/L)
Simona Sabbatini

Seat Ingegneria
A.A. 2015/2016
Credits 9
Hours 72
Period II
Language ENG


Learning outcomes
The course aims to provide the student with basic knowledge of stoichiometry and chemistry.

Matter, substances, properties, system, phases. Chemical reactions.The quantitative basis. The relative atomic mass, moleculr weight, mole, equivalent.Different expressions for concentrations.The atomic structure. The periodic system and periodic properties.The chemical bond.The ionic bond. The covalent bond and the molecular geometry. Valence bond theory and the LCAO theory. The chemical bond in metals and the electrical conductivity in materials. Nomenclature. Structure properties relationships. The states of the matter. The chemical trasformations with and without electron transfer. Some thermodynamic concepts:reversible and irreversible transformations. The chemical equilibrium. Homogeneus equilibria in the gas phase and in aqueous solution: acid-base theories. pH, hydrolysis and buffers.The phase equilibrium. State diagrams for one and two components. The thermodynamics of electrochemical processes. Batteries, electrolysis and Faraday's laws. Some concept in metal corrosion. Chemical kinetics.

Development of the examination
The assessment of learning will take place by means of a written test of stoichiometry problems and multiple choice questions on all the topics covered in class, in order to be able to verify the correct learning. The oral test may be carried out at the request of the student if he has passed the written exam with a score of 18/30.

In the written test, the student must demonstrate that they have acquired the basic knowledge of chemistry and be able to apply this knowledge to the solution of stoichiometric. It must also possess knowledge of atomic structure, chemical bonding, properties of solutions, kinetic and thermodynamic laws, the ionic equilibria and electrochemistry, as well as to know and correctly apply the balancing systems of reactions, including redox .

Attribution of the final mark out of thirty

Students who have obtained a minimum score of 16/30 up to a maximum of 17/30 are admitted to the oral test, only. Those students who have passed the written with a score of 18/30 may choose to record the vote or take the oral exam. Praise is given to students who, having achieved the highest rating, have shown a particular brilliance in the exposition and complete mastery of the material.

Recommended reading
1) F. Nobile, P. Mastrorilli, La Chimica di base, casa editrice Ambrosiana; 2) B.B. Laird, Chimica Generale, casa editrice McGraw-Hill; 3) Bertini, Mani, Chimica (II ed.), casa editride Ambrosiana; 4) R.C. Bauer, J.P.Birk, P.S. Marks,Introduzione alla ch

  • Ingegneria Meccanica (Corso di Laurea Triennale (DM 270/04))

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