Facoltà di Ingegneria - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Chimica (GEST)
Liberato Cardellini

Seat Ingegneria
A.A. 2016/2017
Credits 6
Hours 48
Period I
Language ENG

Causal reasoning, the ability to argue and algebraic skills and computation skills are needed in order to fully benefit from the course

Learning outcomes
The course aims to provide the foundation for a correct understanding and interpretation of chemical phenomena, upon which the technologies in use in engineering are based. The course is directed to the knowledge of the structure and properties of matter, creating a link between the microscopic and macroscopic world. Fundamental are the logical skills in problem solving that a correct approach to the stoichiometric calculation allows to acquire. Students are asked to make visible the reasoning and organize the knowledge acquired through summaries and concept maps.
The course will furnish the skills needed to apply the knowledge acquired to the analysis and to the comprehension of chemical problems in an engineering context, through the use of laws and methods which represent the foundation of the chemical phenomena. These capabilities will be acquired by the student with the development of suitable exercises requiring the use of models and methodologies described in the lectures. Students are asked to explain, illustrate, represent and argue the steps in solving the problems.
The course is designed to stimulate and emphasize connections with the other disciplines, with the aim to improve the learning and communication capacities through the mastery of the basic scientific terminology. To this end, the course aims to encourage students to develop an aptitude for logical reasoning, based on the scientific method. Students are required to work in groups according to the cooperative learning method. This method helps the students to improve both the independent judgment, and the communication skills. Other benefits that stem from the teamwork are the ability to learn independently and to draw conclusions.

Hydrocarbons. Classification of the matter. Symbols and valences. Chemical equations. Atomic number. Atomic weight. The mole. Stoichiometric calculations. Limiting reagent. The Bohr atom. Quantum numbers The Pauli principle of exclusion and the Hund’s rule. Electronic configurations of the elements. Periodic properties. Electronegativity. Oxidation numbers. Balancing of redox equations. Chemical bonds. Hydrogen bonding. VSEPR theory. Energy in the chemical reactions. Gas laws. Concentration of solutions. Electrolytes. Chemical equilibrium. The water dissociation. pH. Acid-base theories. Buffer solutions. Hydrolysis. Hardness of water. BOD e COD. Colloids and intermolecular interactions. Zeta potential and aggregation mechanisms.

Development of the examination
The assessment of the level of student learning is carried out at the end of the course by two tests: a written and an oral. To facilitate an ongoing commitment of the students, during the course there will be two partial tests of stoichiometry. There will be three problems in each test. The written exam is passed if the sum of the mark of the two partials exceeds 36/30, (with a minimum mark greater or equal to 15). For those that do not exceed 36/30, or that do not have access to the partial tests, there will be a written exam. The written test consists in solving four problems onall the topics covered in the course. The written test is preparatory to the oral examination, for access to which the student must solve at least three problems properly. By accessing the oral exam, students will have the opportunity to measure their preparation with a written test on the theoretical part. The oral discussion is devote to deepen knowledge of the topics covered in the course, selected with regard to exploring the preparation of the student on the conceptual topics of the course. In case of a negative outcome of the examination, the student has to repeat the written test..

To successfully pass the assessment of learning, through the written and oral tests, the student must demonstrate that he or she has acquired the ability to solve chemical problems in a meaningful way, to have acquired familiarity with the concepts presented in the course, and to possess an adequate knowledge of fundamental chemical knowledge.

In the written test, students must demonstrate that they have understood and assimilated the logic of stoichiometric calculations. Problems are considered solved properly if the procedure is correct from the logical point of view and the relative error of the result does not exceed 1%, taking into account the significant digits theory. During the course, students are trained in problem solving and encouraged to make full verification of the results, as well as explaining the logic of each step. Students will also be encouraged to solve appropriate problems designed to develop original and creative solutions. It is also important the student's ability to argue and reason causally during the oral examination.

The overall outcome of the evaluation will be positive if the student achieve sufficiency, or at least 18 points, in each of the two tests. The final grade is the result of the average of the marks obtained in the two tests. The honors will be given to students who having achieved the highest rating, have passed brilliantly both tests.

Recommended reading
For the theory: L. Palmisano, M. Schiavello, “Elementi di chimica“, EdiSES; or: W.L. Masterton, C.N. Hurley, “Chimica. Principi e reazioni“, Piccin; Lecture notes. For the stoichiometric calculation: L. Cardellini, “Strategie per il problem solving in chimica“, Ragni.

  • Ingegneria Gestionale (Corso di Laurea Triennale Fuori Sede (DM 270/04))

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