Facoltà di Ingegneria - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Architettura e Composizione Architettonica 1 (EA)
Architecture and Architectural Design 1
Paolo Bonvini

Seat Ingegneria
A.A. 2015/2016
Credits 9
Hours 90
Period E/1s-2s
Language ENG

Architectural Drawing 1 and workshop, History of Architecture 1 and workshop

Learning outcomes
The course introduces to architectural design through critical analysis of significant buildings of architectural culture. It aims to provide basic knowledge on both theoretical aspects and tools setting and control of the project. For a tutorial project a dimension of functional coherence is required, in distribution and space, in relation to the theme of the project and the context of intervention in a spatial contained dimension. The laboratory will deal with design studies in elementary character; teaching activities of the laboratory is coordinated with the Area disciplines of architecture and art history, representation of the relief area, architectural design and technique area.

The course intends to propose the study of a small residential building placed inside a part of the consolidated city for which it is needed redevelopment of its urban and architectural character. The design of the new building and its inclusion within the compromised urban system will allow to reason on a double track: the typological survey and the characters of living and in small apartment blocks that contribute to urban regeneration and convey the will to reverse the construction the city for continuous expansion and related land use, making explicit reference to the theme of urban renewal and architecture that has now become central to all European cities and springs from the deep transformation occurred on the production system and even on the radical changes on the development of the city recently. The course then will work on an area of the contemporary city that has these characters and needs a re-interpretation of his identity, from comparison with the memory of the place and its urban history, human, social and productive. Through the housing type will operate for both overlapping and refunctionalization through the introduction of new buildings which through the reuse of existing, in their plurality dimensional and functional. The introduction of new volumes instead of blank areas, often underutilized and therefore exposed to the easy degradation, also allows the recovery of the open space and its reflection on a new type of public space and its role in the need for new urbanity and dynamic and dialogue between the activities and functions. The approach to the subject is plural and not necessarily in a linear relationship between the different levels of intervention and will investigate both new types of architecture in which the residence will be the main actor, that innovative methods of interpretation of public space between the city and the building, intended as the lowest common denominator of each intervention. The open space and the need for a specific role and design lies in its recognized ability to bring the user to a new and desired relationship with nature, but within the consolidated city and a new attitude sustainable contemplating ethical issues, technical, energy and economic. The project will eventually be investigated in its different scales from urban approach described, by a thorough evaluation of the quality of residential space, a careful determination of structural and technological character of the building, up to the i

Development of the examination
The course consists of several experiences during the academic year and consist of an adequate number of exercises that together contribute to the formation of the student during the final exam that will constitute the act of evaluation of the level of preparation . The exercises will have between them a preparatory aspects from the analysis of projects of renowned architects including the masters of modern, up to the identification of how representative of the idea of architecture and the development of their own project in different scales and in the analysis of the different disciplinary contributions to the physical construction of the space with three-dimensional models physical and virtual. The final assessment of the level of learning of the students consists of two tests: - The presentation of architectural projects related to the topic or topics in the program, through elaborate paper which represent a summary agreed with the teacher; - The complete oral presentation of the project, its concept and its theoretical and practical implications, through power point. The project can also be done in groups, with a maximum of two students. In this case, the discussion of the project must take place with the participation of the two students contextually.

To successfully pass the assessment of learning, the student must demonstrate, through the two tests described above, to have good understanding of the criteria and procedures for the design, the need for theoretical implications related to the needs of the contemporary social and ability to respond in appropriate and innovative techniques. Must prove, in addition, to be able to apply, on their own, these criteria and these procedures to the project, to know how to properly use the materials and construction technologies appropriate and to be able to prepare a presentation planning and technical and knowledgeable publicly expose.

The two tests will be evaluated in thirtieth and final grade will be calculated as the average of the two tests. The rating is then the sum of the marks obtained by witnessing the ability of independence from the theoretical issues articulated in the basi

To obtain a positive evaluation, the student must achieve at least a passing grade in the two tests described above. The highest rating is achieved by demonstrating a thorough understanding of the theoretical and practical content of the course in the two trials and proving to be able to properly manage a project that is consistent with the content itself and credible at the technical level.

Recommended reading
- Ábalos I. (Autore), B. Melotto (a cura di), ”Il buon abitare. Pensare le case della modernità”. Marinotti Edizioni, Milano 2009 - Banham R., Ambiente e tecnica nell'architettura moderna, Laterza 1995 - Boeri C., ”Le dimensioni umane dell'abitazione …”

  • Ingegneria Edile-Architettura (Corso di Laurea Magistrale con Riconoscimento Europeo (DM 270/04))

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