Facoltà di Ingegneria - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Anatomia Funzionale
Functional Anatomy
Pasquapina Ciarmela

Seat Ingegneria
A.A. 2015/2016
Credits 6
Hours 48
Period II
Language ENG


Learning outcomes
The course aims to provide the bioengineer with concepts of the anatomic logic (logic organization for the function) lying underneath the micro- and macro-organization of the main human organs and apparatuses. The concepts are propaedeutical both for cultural and technological purposes.

The cell as structural and functional unit of living organisms. General information of tissues and their organization. Organization of the human body. Musculoskeletal system: mechanisms of ossification; morphology and function of bone and joints. Organization of the main components of the muscolar system. Morphological and functional aspects of the neuromuscolar junctions. Nervous system: general organization of the central nervous system. Structure of the spinal cord. The reflex arc. Vegetative nervous system. Cardiovascular system: heart, mechanics and dynamics (function of the heart valves and the cardiac cycle), the main aspects of the circulation. Respiratory apparatus: anatomy and function of lung. Urinary apparatus: anatomy and funtion of kidney, uninary bladder and ureter. Endocrine system: endocrine glands and their regulation.Digestive system: morphology and function of the main components. Male and female reproductive system: organization of the main components.

Development of the examination
The learning evaluation of the students is carried out by written and oral test. The written test consists of 60 multiple choice questions. The written test is preliminary to the oral exam, access to which the student must pass the written test. The oral examination will be in the same exam session of the written test. In case of failure of the oral exam, the student must also repeat the written test.

To pass the exam, the student must demonstrate a comprehensive knowledge of the morphological and functional aspects of the different levels of organization of the human body. In the oral examination, the student has to explain correctly the teaching topics and has to use adequate technical and scientific terminology.

Attribution of the final mark up to thirty.

The final evaluation is positive if the student passes (obtaining at least eighteen points) each test performed. The highest rating is achieved by demonstrating a deep understanding of the course content. Cum laude is given to students who, having done all the tests correctly, perform an outstanding oral exposure.

Recommended reading
G. Ambrosi et al.,“Anatomia dell’Uomo”, Edi-Ermes Seeley et. Al., ”Anatomia”, Ed. Idelson-Gnocchi K. S. Saladin, Anatomia Umana di Ed. PICCIN

  • Ingegneria Biomedica (Corso di Laurea Triennale (DM 270/04))

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