Facoltà di Ingegneria - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Laboratorio di Storia dell'Architettura 1 (EA)
Laboratory of Histroy of architecture 1 EA
Stefano Santini

Seat Ingegneria
A.A. 2015/2016
Credits 3
Hours 50
Period 2s
Language ENG

In relaxtionship to the formative objectives that have tendency to develop the critical knowledge of the housing buildings in their special conformation, not necessary possible previous requirements are retaired.

Learning outcomes
The course provides the tools for understanding the historical-critical architecture from greek-Roman age to the eighteenth century, through the study of spatial character, formal, linguistic and stylistic, typological and constructive of the most significant buildings and examination of schools, currents and the most representative authors. The laboratory provides additional tools for understanding the thought processes, compositional and structural architecture, the city and the landscape through exercises of reading case studies selected from ancient history and contemporary art.

The target of the Laboratory is the investigation of the possibilities of cohabitation among man, nature, urban environment and historical development of architecture. The activity is organized in communications and articulated exercises in forms as phases related to the knowledge of historical-geographical environment, assuming as fundamental the theme of the residence: the housing typologies in examination concern the relationships that intervene among architecture, climate, constructive techniques and historical development of the urban environment. Particularly some of the specific characteristics of the organizational system of the must be underlined to live: distribution of the functions, spatial connections, technical solutions, material employees, specificity of the historical-environmental context. Through the representation, the analysis and the interpretation of some exemplary interventions of the residential architecture, the constants, the invariant tipologiches and the innovations must be sought introduced in the components of the building manufactured articles taken in examination. The exercise of laboratory consists in the representation of the descriptive housing typologies of the different historical phases of the culture of the to live: the house neolitica, sumerica, Egyptian, Greek, Etrusca, Roman, etc., and in the individualization of the peculiar components and the influences that they operate within the modern and contemporary architecture. The exercise subsequently develops him in the representation of the building complex inferred by the exemplary interventions and read critically through the analysis and the individualization of the invariant ones and the innovations typological, functional, techniques and aesthetics that connect the actual residential architecture to the environment and the history of the inhabited space. The images must be reproduced in album, in formed A3. The exercise will be articulate in the construction of a spatial model that represents the specifities of residential typology and material of the buildin volume in its contest.

Development of the examination
Students activity will be tested in the examination of the teaching which is entrusted with the management of the laboratory.

Recommended reading
Bruno Zevi, “Saper vedere l’architettura“, Einaudi, Torino 1993. Robert Venturi, “Complessità e contraddizioni nell’architettura“, Dedalo libri, Bari 1980. James S. Ackerman, “La villa, Edizioni di Comunità“, Torino 2000. William J. R. Curtis, “L’archi

  • Ingegneria Edile-Architettura (Corso di Laurea Magistrale con Riconoscimento Europeo (DM 270/04))

Università Politecnica delle Marche
P.zza Roma 22, 60121 Ancona
Tel (+39) 071.220.1, Fax (+39) 071.220.2324
P.I. 00382520427