Facoltà di Ingegneria - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Informatica Grafica (EA)
Computer Graphics
Primo Zingaretti

Seat Ingegneria
A.A. 2016/2017
Credits 6
Hours 60
Period 2s
Language ENG


Learning outcomes
The course allows students to acquire the basic concepts of information technology and the basic elements of computer graphics in architectural and urban planning. At the end of the course students will be able to understand the functionalities of the main components of computer systems and the most important aspects of the graphical modeling and of the rendering process, both viewed as a series of logical processes.
Through knowledge application, on the one hand, the student must be able to address the solution of problems by subsequent abstraction levels with both top-down and bottom-up strategies, and, from another side, must be able to correctly interpret the causes of occurrence of critical situations in the running processing system.
The variety of the problems faced will improve in students the ability to solve problems in any application field, while participatory study of algorithms will help to improve the communication skills that comes with working in groups.

Part I – Fundamentals of Computer Science: i) course introduction and basic concepts; ii) programming elements; iii) information representation in computers; iv) introduction to C language. Part II – Fundamentals of Computer Graphics: i) introduction to graphics: digital images; raster and vectorial graphics; hardware and software components; ii) raster graphics: structure, functions and performances of the human visual system (perception); colour coding and chromatic spaces; image processing; iii) introduction to 3D graphics: graphics pipeline; renderer architecture; iv) modelling transformations; v) view transformations: projections; object vs viewer and pinhole camera metaphores; methods for placing a camera and specifying an arbitrary 3D view; vi) rendering: lighting and shading; models for light sources, local and global lighting; materials; local shading techniques and texture mapping; rasterization; clipping; antialiasing; hidden surface removal; vii) geometric modelling: curves and surfaces; viii) solid modelling: representation schemes.

Development of the examination
Evaluation of students' learning level consists of three parts: a written examination, an individual work-project and a final oral examination. The written examination consists of questions on theory and exercises concerning the first part of the course (fundamentals of Computer Science). Only who will obtain a positive result will be admitted to the oral examination. The individual work-project, also preceding the oral examination, consists of the rendering of a 3D model of an environment whose layout is provided by the teacher. The oral examination starts with eventual gaps come out from the written examination, continues with the discussion of the individual work and ends with questions on the second part of the course (fundamentals of Computer Graphics).

To pass the learning test the student must show, by means of the three examinations described above, of having well understood the fundamental concepts of Computer Science (Part I) and the fundamental elements of Computer Graphics (part II). Besides, she/he must show to be able to apply the various models (objects, materials, lights, cameras, etc.) of the rendering process.

Marks in thirtieths.

The final evaluation will be in relation to the grade of knowledge of the course contents, as comes out from written and oral examinations and on the base of her/his control on correctly managing the rendering project. Honours are reserved to students who proved a particular brightness in the preparation and exposition of results during the three tests.

Recommended reading
P. Zingaretti, E. Frontoni, Informatica: tematiche generali, Ed. Simple, 2006 P.Zingaretti, Fondamenti di Computer Graphics, Pitagora, 2004.

  • Ingegneria Edile-Architettura (Corso di Laurea Magistrale con Riconoscimento Europeo (DM 270/04))

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