Facoltà di Ingegneria - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Progettazione di Sistemi Integrati
Desing of Integrated Systems
Massimo Conti

Seat Ingegneria
A.A. 2015/2016
Credits 9
Hours 72
Period I
Language ENG


Learning outcomes
Know and understand the issues and methodology for the design of high-level complex electronic systems. Know how to apply the methodology for the design of high-level complex electronic systems

System Level Design System on Chip IP reuse Models of computation. Introduction tol C++ SystemC: System Level Design Language Communication and synchonixzation in SystemC, events and kernel, module, ports, signals, process, method. TLM: Transaction Level Modeling. Low power systems: chip temperature control, power management techniques, battery model, Dynamic Power Management, System Level Power Estimation, SystemS power analysis methodologies, system level power estimation, system level power models, examples: I2C, AMBA, DPM in SystemC. Bluetooth protocol: specifications, stack bluetooth. SystemC modeling of bluetooth protocol. 802.15.4 wireless strandard: applications on videosurveillance Low power wireless sensor networks. Energy Harvesting devices RFId and NFC: applications on Ambient Assisted Living, food traceability and recharge of electric vehicles System on chip busses: il bus AMBA AHB e APB. Network on Chip, topologie di NoC topologies, comparison with bus NoC: flux control, routing algorithms, arbitering, physical and virtual channels. Yield: statistical design, parametric yield, models of statistical variation of parameters, application examples, system level yield estimation. Modeling and simulation of heterogeneous systems: SystemC-WMS

Development of the examination
The examination consists of a discussion of a project developed by the student and an oral exam on the course topics. The project can also be done in groups, with a maximum of four students. The topic of the project will be agreed with the teacher. The student should discuss with the teacher during the progress of the project.

The student, in the course of the oral examination, will present and discuss the project developed and he will demonstrate the knowledge and the methodology and technical expertise in the design of electronic systems. The teacher will assess the complexity, completeness and correctness of the project, the study of the state of the art on the subject, the results obtained and the clarity in the presentation of the work.

Attribution of the final mark out of thirty

Attribution of the final mark out of thirty

Recommended reading
documents in www.laureaelettronica.univpm.it (see also www.laureaelettronica.ing.univpm.it)

  • Ingegneria Elettronica (Corso di Laurea Magistrale (DM 270/04))

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