Facoltà di Ingegneria - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Ingegneria Sismica
Earthquake Engineering
Laura Ragni

Seat Ingegneria
A.A. 2016/2017
Credits 9
Hours 72
Period II
Language ENG

Material covered in Structural Analysis is considered as assumed knowledge.

Learning outcomes
The course aims to provide the student with the basic theoretical knowledge and practical skills required for the design and the assessment of structures in seismic areas. By improving skills deriving from the first cycle degree, the student improves his knowledge in the framework of structural safety from natural hazards.
The student develops skills necessary to analyse and design complex structural systems subjected to seismic actions. These skills are developed through lectures and design activities, developed in working groups, which implies the drafting of technical executive documents.
The designing exercise, which is developed in working group and requires the use of specific software for the solution of practical problems, contributes to improve the student’s capability of identifying, formulating and solving problems, as well as the communicative skill, necessary for the teamwork.

Elements of seismology Earthquake causes and mechanisms. Seismic wave propagation; laws governing the seismic motion, magnitude; elements of seismic risk and vulnerability, macrozonation and microzonation of Italy. Seismic action: performance based design, elastic response spectra. Dynamics of linear Single Degree Of Freedom (SDOF) systems: motion for the linear SDOF system; undamped and damped free vibration; response to forced vibrations: harmonic and periodic excitations, arbitrary excitations and seismic action; displacement, pseudo-velocity and pseudo-acceleration response spectra; static equivalent analysis. Non-linear SDOF systems: motion of the elasto-plastic oscillator; constant ductility spectra. Dynamics of Multi Degree Of Freedom (MDOF) systems: motion for a linear system with N degrees of freedom; free undamped vibrations (modal analysis) and forced vibrations (seismic action); linear analyses: static equivalent analysis and dynamic modal analysis. Design general rules: design spectra, structural ductility (material ductility, local and global ductility), capacity design. Seimic behaviour of three-dimantional frame buidings. Seismic code: general characteristics of buildings (elevation regularity, floor stiffness/resistance, plan regularity, seismic gaps and non-structural elements) , analysis methods and safety verifications. Seismic analysis of reinforced concrete buildings: behaviour factor; capacity design; structural ductility (material ductility, local and global ductility); Ultimate Limit State safety verifications, Damageability Limit State verifications. Basics on the seismic behaviour of other structural systems: steel buildings, masonry buildings, seismic isolation design and passive control systems. Tutorials: seismic design of a reinforced concrete frame building.

Development of the examination
The evalulation of student learning is based on two assessments: - the devopment of a seismic resistant design of a reinforced concrete building; - an oral exam consisting in a discussion of the design project and in some theoretical questions on the topics covered during the course; students may be requested to answer some questions in writing and the answers will be successively discussed. To access the oral exam the student is required to have completed the project. Revisions of the projects will be carried out in class during the trimester. These will provide an opportunity for students to receive feedback on their progress on the assigned projects.

Through the design project and the oral exam the student must demonstrate to have learned the topics covered during the course, such as analysis and design methods of seismic resistant structures.

The evaluation of both the assessment is expressed in thirtieths.

The student is expected to pass both assessments. The final mark of the course will be calculated after the oral exam as the average of the marks received for these two assessments. The 'lode' will be awarded to students who, having correctly completed the two assessments, show an outstanding understanding in the subject.

Recommended reading
Castellani A., Faccioli E. Costruzioni in zona sismica. Hoepli, 2008. (in Italian) Petrini L., Pinho R., Calvi G.M. Criteri di progettazione antisismica degli edifici. Iuss Press, 2006. (in Italian) Cosenza E., Maddaloni G., Magliulo G., Pecce M., Ramasco R. Progetto antisismico di edifici in cemento armato. Iuss Press, 2007. (in Italian) Mezzina M., Raffaele D., Uva G., Marano G.C. Progettazione sismo-resistente di edifici in cemento armato. Città Studi, 2011. (in Italian) AICAP. Progettazione sismica di edifici in calcestruzzo armato. Guida all’uso dell’Eurocodice 2 con riferimento alle Norme Tecniche D.M. 14.1.2008. Edizione Publicemento, 2008. (in Italian)

  • Ingegneria Civile (Corso di Laurea Magistrale (DM 270/04))

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