Facoltà di Ingegneria - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Teoria dei Sistemi di Trasporto
Theory of Transportation systems
Andrea Graziani

Seat Ingegneria
A.A. 2015/2016
Credits 6
Hours 48
Period I
Language ENG


Learning outcomes
The course covers general aspects related to the nature of road, railways and air transport. Some basics aspects of vehichle dynamics and traffic engineering are presented. Planning, design construction and management of airports are treated in detail.

Static characteristics, kinematics and Dynamics of road vehicles. Traction, friction and adherence. The road users, drivers and pedestrians. Functional classification of roads and intersections. The cross section and its elements. Traffic flow basics. Capacity and Level of Service. The nature of civil aviation and air transport. Aircraft characteristics related to airport design. Computation of Runway Length. Airport Configuration. Basic Airport planning. Airport airside capacity and delay. Geometric design of the airfield. Air traffic control. Airport lighting, marking and signing. Planning and design of the terminal area. Structural design of rigid and flexible airport pavements

Development of the examination
Learning is evaluated through a final exam which consists in a written test and an oral exam. In the written test the student will have to solve practical problems (applications) and answer to theoretical questions. Two hours are generally required to complete the written test. In the oral exam the student will discuss one or more topics treated during the course. A positive score in the written text is necessary for the admission to the oral exam.

In order to obtain a positive learning evaluation the student shall demonstrate his/her knowledge of the course topics, with particular reference to the organization and functional design of transportation infrastructures (roads and airports).

The score of the written test is calculated by summing the score of each question. The final grade is assigned on the basis of such a score and the result of the oral exam.

In order to obtain an overall positive grade the student shall obtain a positive score both in the written and the oral exam. Higher grades are obtaind by those student who demonstrate an accurate knowledge of the course topics. The highest grade (30 cum laude) is assigned to those student who also performs an outstanding and brilliant exposition.

Recommended reading
Esposito T., Mauro R., ”Fondamenti di infrastrutture viarie - Vol. 1 La Geometria Stradale”, Hevelius. Esposito T., Mauro R., ”Fondamenti di infrastrutture viarie - Vol. 2 La progettazione funzionale delle strade”, Hevelius. Torrieri V. ”Tecnica ed Econom

  • Ingegneria Civile (Corso di Laurea Magistrale (DM 270/04))

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P.zza Roma 22, 60121 Ancona
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