Facoltà di Ingegneria - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Scienza delle Costruzioni 2
Structural mechanics 2
Fabrizio Davi'

Seat Ingegneria
A.A. 2016/2017
Credits 9
Hours 72
Period I
Language ENG


Learning outcomes
The course intends to provide the bases to the design and analysis of complex structural systems, made of traditional or innovative construction materials. The modeling, representation and analysis skills for civil engineering complex structures are developed aiming at the real design and effective realization of the structure. For this purpose the student must examine in depth all the subject matters coming from the first three years of Civil and Enviromental Engineering with particular attention to the course of Scienza delle Costruzioni. The main topics of the course are: mathematical aspects of the deformation method; discrete and continuous systems (beams and plates) dynamics; the stability of structures; limit analysis of two-dimensional framed structures, referring to NTC2008.
The required knowledge and the technical and analytical skills will be acquired through frontal lectures and class exercises. These abilities, integrated and supported by other structural design courses, will allow the autonomous conception and realization of civil engineering structural designs, taking into account the current code of practice and the most suitable synthetic and numerical methods of analysis.
The presented theory and the discussed problems represent advanced theoretical tools in the design of any structural system. These concepts are essential in order to interpret, analyze, model and solve more complex problems related to structural analysis.

Linear elasticity. Constitutive relations: material symmetries and the elasticity tensor; anisotropic materials. The elastic problems of position, traction and mixed. Energetical methods and variational formulation: minimum and mixed principles (Hu-Washizu and Hellinger-Reissner-Prager). The Saint-Venant for anisotropic solids with the Voigt's and Clebsch's hypotheses. Plates: the Kirchhoff and Reissner-Mindlin models for anisotropic materials. Dynamics; progressive plane waves and the acoustical tensor. Rods and plates dynamics: wave solutions and separable solutions: eigenvalue problems. Stability. Theory of plasticity and limit analysis for plane structures

Development of the examination
The final test consists of a written test and an oral colloquia.

he written test assesses the ability to find the collapse load for a statically-undetermined plane truss, the ability to analyze in terms of capacity design the same structure and the ability to perform a exact or approximated dynamic analysis of a plane structure. The oral test must verify the ability to solve problems of a theoretical or applicative nature by starting from the equations of mechanics of deformable bodies. It could also require proofs of theorems or deductions of equations, focusing more on the deductive aspects rather than on mnemonic.

In the written test the relevance of the obtained results with the solution is checked; in the oral test both the knowledge of the topics and the capability to develop solutions to proposed problem are checked.

For the written exam the valuation is performed by assigning to each partial exercise a rating: the sum of these ratings is the final grade of the test. The maximum rating assigned to each exercise is known in advance and shown on the text. In the oral examination, the student can take for granted the result of written test or require an oral examination, in which case the vote is given taking into account the results of the written test (50% of overall assessment) and taking into account the topics knowledge, the capability to apply these knowledges to solve examples and the smartness and neatness of language.

Recommended reading
F. Davì- Note di Scienza delle Costruzioni 2 (Free download from Professor personal page on the University website) M.E. Gurtin - An introduction to Continuum Mechanics, Academic Press, 1981 M.E. Gurtin - The Linear Theory of Elasticity, in Mechanics of Solids, vol. II, Springer Verlag, 1984. S.P. Timoshenko, S.Woinowsky-Krieger-Theory of Plates and Shells , McGraw-Hill, 1982. S.P. Timoshenko, D.H. Young, W. Weaver Jr.- Vibrations problems in engineering, John Wiley & Sons, 1974. A.E.H. Love - A treatise on the mathematical theory of elasticity, Dover, 1944. E. Benvenuto - La Scienza delle Costruzioni nel suo sviluppo storico, Sansoni, 1981. C. Massonet, M. Save - Calcolo Plastico a Rottura delle Costruzioni, Maggioli Editore, 2008. R. Baldacci, G. Ceradini ed E. Giangreco - Dinamica e Stabilità, CISIA 1974.

  • Ingegneria Civile (Corso di Laurea Magistrale (DM 270/04))

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