Facoltà di Ingegneria - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Scienza e Tecnologia dei Materiali (EA)
Science and Materials Technology
Saveria Monosi

Seat Ingegneria
A.A. 2015/2016
Credits 6
Hours 60
Period 1s
Language ENG

Basics of chemistry and solid state physics

Learning outcomes
The course covers the general aspects of chemistry and those in the field of building industry and in the field of construction materials technologies: aerial and hydraulic binders, concrete, steel and metal alloys, ceramics, plastics, wood, glass, composite materials.

General hints relating to technology production of solid state matter. Materials for Engineering: selection and application criteria. History and evolution of building materials. The development of new materials. Stone materials. Ceramic materials. Bricks for construction. Wood as a building material. Non-hydraulic and hydraulic binders. The cement: historical development, production, composition and properties of Portland cement and blended cements. The hydration, curing and development of strength. The fresh concrete. Proportioning of concrete as a function of mechanical performance and durability. The properties of hardened concrete. Outlines to special concretes. Durability and degradation of building materials, the possibility of their recovery. Steel as a building material. Metal alloys with regard to their use in construction. Plastic materials in construction. Composite materials.

Development of the examination
The exam consists of an oral examination. Optional itinere self-assessment tests, whose main purpose will be to provide the student an indication of the degree of preparation.

In the oral exam, the student must demonstrate knowledge of the general characteristics that underlie the performance of materials and providing the tools for an optimal choice. The tests of self-evaluation, in the form of a multiple choice test and/or open questions, take into consideration the same issues. The positive outcome is achieved by the student who demonstrates that he has a overall knowledge of the contents exposed in a sufficiently corrected way with the use of appropriate terminology. The highest rating is achieved by demonstrating a thorough knowledge of the contents, exposed with complete mastery of the scientific-technical language.

Awarding of the final mark into thirtieths

The oral test will include a minimum of three to a maximum of five questions to which give a score corresponding to the difficulty. cum laude“ will be given to students who, having achieved the highest rating, have demonstrated a particular mastery of the matter. “

Recommended reading
N. Davey, A History of Buildings materials, Phoenix House, London, 1965; L. Bertolini, Materiali da costruzione, CittàStudi edizioni AIMAT; Manuale dei materiali per l'ingegneria, McGraw-Hill Italia, Milano, 1996.

  • Ingegneria Edile-Architettura (Corso di Laurea Magistrale con Riconoscimento Europeo (DM 270/04))

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