Facoltà di Ingegneria - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Bioengineering of Motor Rehabilitation
Sandro Fioretti

Seat Ingegneria
A.A. 2016/2017
Credits 9
Hours 72
Period I
Language ENG


Learning outcomes
The course aims to apply the methods and techniques for the quantitative evaluation of the movement and related motor disorders through the design, execution and analysis of experiments to be performed in a laboratory motion analysis
This course is characterizing for the engineering sector (ING-INF / 06) and provides knowledge about the methods and techniques for the quantitative evaluation of the movement and related movement disorders with particular interest to the techniques for studying kinematic, dynamic and electromyography of the neuro-musculoskeletal system. The course will provide through lectures and laboratory practices the ability to apply the appropriate techniques and methods of measurement, processing and interpretation of data and signals that can be used in health care settings such as a clinical movement analysis laboratory for the functional evaluation of motor disorders. Such competences can be applied also in sport, ergonomy and fitness applications.
The assessment of students' level of learning is done through the production of a laboratory report relative to the students' activities performed in group, on a possible presentation of a specific topic assigned, and an oral exam. In this way the student will have the opportunity to develop : synthesis skills, team-working skills, communication clarity, ability to interpret the clinical language, programming skills and how to use specific instrumentation.

Elements of Biomechanics of Movement: Kinematics and Inverse Dynamics. Principles of DSP and stereophotogrammetry for Movement Analysis., Use of dynamometric platforms and of basographic and barographic systems. Motor rehabilitation: ICIDH and ICF classification. Clinical scales for functional evaluation . Surface electromyography. Methods and instrumental techniques for the quantitative functional evaluation of movement with particular reference to the control of the orthostatic posture and locomotion. Insights in the methodologies for specific clinical situations (neuropathies, stroke, Parkinson). Theoretical aspects of the functional analysis of locomotion (normality case). Determinants of the gait. Spatiotemporal parameters of gait and gait phases. Laboratory examples and laboratory activities for static and perturbed posture tests, and analysis of locomotion

Development of the examination
The assessment of student learning consists of an oral exam consisting of three parts: - The first part consists of exposing the results obtained during laboratory activities proposed during the course. The laboratory activities are usually carried out in groups of three or at most four students, and each group will prepare, before the examination a written report. Each student will be assessed individually, even if the work was performed in a group. - A second part of the oral session involves exposing a theme, previously assigned by the teacher, in a concise manner, similarly to what is done usually at a scientific conference. - A third part of the oral session, consists in the discussion on one or more topics covered in the course.

To successfully pass the examination, the student must demonstrate, through the three parts of the oral session, that he/she has fully understood the concepts presented in the course, is able to apply them using algorithms implemented in Matlab, and has ability of synthesis and communicative clarity.

For each of the three parts of the oral mentioned before is assigned a score between zero and thirty. The overall score is the average of the scores obtained in the three tests, with rounding to the entire excess

Because the overall outcome of the evaluation is positive, the student must achieve at least the sufficiency, equal to 18/30, in each of the tests described above. The highest rating is achieved by demonstrating a thorough understanding of the course content. Laudem is given to students that have demonstrated a particular brilliance in the exposition and in the preparation of written reports.

Recommended reading
Fioretti S.: Teacher's Notes R.A. Cooper, H. Ohnabe and D.A. Hobson: An introduction to Rehabilitation Engineering, Taylor & Francis, 2007 A.Cappello, A.Cappozzo, P.E. di Prampero (Eds.), Bioingegneria della Postura e del Movimento, Patron Editore, Bologna, 2003.

  • Biomedical Engineering (Corso di Laurea Magistrale (DM 270/04))

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