Facoltà di Ingegneria - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Diritto e Sicurezza del Lavoro
Law and Safety at Work
Giovanni Zampini

Seat Ingegneria
A.A. 2015/2016
Credits 9
Hours 72
Period I
Language ENG

no previous requirements

Learning outcomes
The course aims to teach and analyze legal rules for the activity of building engineers. After an in-troductory part, dedicated to the pivotal principles of the European and Italian legal system, particu-lar attention will be paid to: town planning and building laws, contracts more known to operators in the construction industry, legislation on public works contracts, safety at work, as well as the ethics and professional responsibility of building engineers.

The course aims to teach and analyze legal rules for the activity of building engineers. After an in-troductory part, dedicated to the pivotal principles of the European and Italian legal system, particu-lar attention will be paid to: town planning and building laws, contracts more known to operators in construction industry, legislation on public works contracts, safety at work, as well as the ethics and professional responsibility of building engineers.

Development of the examination
oral examination. Each student, if he wishes, can play an essay on one of the topics covered in class.

to successfully pass the oral exam, the student will demonstrate an overall knowledge of teaching content, with the use of appropriate technical and legal terminology.

attribution of the final mark out of thirty

the oral exam will be divided into two or three questions, depending on whether or not the student presents a paper about one of the topics covered in class.. Each question will be evaluated with a score ranging from 0 to 10 points. The score cum laude will be given to students who, having achieved the highest rating, have demonstrated complete mastery of the material.

Recommended reading
Fiale A., Compendio di Diritto Urbanistico, Napoli, Simone, latest edition. . Galgano F., Diritto Privato, Padova, Cedam, 2013 (o edizione più recente, se disponibile). Guzzo G., Appalti pubblici, Milano, Giuffrè, 2013. Persiani M., Lepore M., Il nu

  • Ingegneria Edile (Corso di Laurea Triennale (DM 270/04))

Università Politecnica delle Marche
P.zza Roma 22, 60121 Ancona
Tel (+39) 071.220.1, Fax (+39) 071.220.2324
P.I. 00382520427