Facoltà di Ingegneria - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Fisica (EL)
Oriano Francescangeli

Seat Ingegneria
A.A. 2016/2017
Credits 9
Hours 72
Period II
Language ENG

Good knowledge of the contents of the course of Mathematical Analysis 1.

Learning outcomes
Knowledge. This course gives students the fundamentals of the experimental method, typical of each scientific subject, and the fundamental laws of classical mechanics and thermodynamics. It represents a basic link between the secondary school knowledge and the university teaching. The acquired knowledge allows students to get the necessary instruments for a scientific approach to the analysis of engineering problems.
Ability to apply knowledge. The acquired knowledge and physic methods will allow students to understand, analyse and sketch engineering problems. In particular, students will have to acquire the ability to outline complex phenomena into their essential elements and to apply the classical physics laws to describe them. To this aim, the proposed exercises are usually derived from the common experience. Such knowledge and methods can be applied to many of the university courses the student will attend and, in the following, to the problems he will face during the working career.
Cross skills. The methodological approach acquired and the exercises proposed during this course will contribute to improve the judgement ability, the learning skill and that of drawing conclusions.

The scientific method. Fundamentals of the Measure Theory. Kinematics of the the point particle. Dynamics of the the point particle. Examples of forces. Galileian relativity. Non-inertial reference systems and fictitious forces. Energy and work. Mechanics of the systems of particles. Conservation laws. Collisions. Kinematics and dynamics of rigid bodies. Gravitation. The fluid systems. Static and dynamics of fluids. Waves and Oscillations. Fundamentals of classical thermodynamics.

Development of the examination
The evaluation of the student's level of learning is done at the end of the course by means of a written and an oral test. The written test consists in solving various problems that cover all the topics of the course, with particular attention to the mechanics of the systems of particles and rigid bodies, the mechanics of fluids and the thermodynamics. The written text is preliminary to the oral test: to access to the latter the student must earn a passing score on the written test. The oral exam consists of the discussion of three topics covered in the course, appropriately chosen in order to test the preparation of the student on the cardinal issues. In the case of a negative outcome for the oral exam, the student must repeat also the written test.

In the written test students must demonstrate to have understood and assimilated in depth the physical contents of the course and to be able to use the laws of physics as a tool for the resolution of a variety of mechanical (point particle, rigid bodies and fluid systems) and thermodynamics problems. Besides the fundamental processes of formulation and modeling, particular attention will be addressed to the computational and measuring aspects connected with the resolution of the problems (calculus, measurement errors, units of measure of the of the physical quantities).

It is evaluated the level of understanding of the concepts and the degree of knowledge of the subject. Is is evaluated the independent ability of the student to set up and solve problems and to make correct use of the relevant methodologies and tools of physics.

In the written text, each exsercize receives a mark up to the maximum reported in the text, for a maximum total score of 30 points. In the oral test, each of the three questions is graded up to a maximum of 10 points, for a maximum total score of 30 points. Because the overall outcome of the evaluation is positive, the student must achieve a minimum score of 18 in both tests. The final mark, out of thirty, is the result of an appropriate weighted average of the marks obtained in the two tests, with a ratio of weights between the written test and oral of 2: 1. The honors (laude) will be given to students who, having achieved the highest rating, have argued brilliantly both tests, demonstrating a particular mastery of the subject or a level of detail of topics higher than it is normally required.

Recommended reading
[1] C. Caciuffo, S. Melone, O. Francescangeli, Fisica Generale Vol. I, Zanichelli; [2] Mazzoldi, Nigro, Voci, Fisica, Vol. I, EdiSES ; [3] D. Halliday, R. Resnick, Meccanica, Termologia. Vol. I, CEA, sesta edizione ; [4] P.A. Tipler, Corso di Fisica, Meccanica Onde termodinamica, Zanichelli, quarta edizione; [5] La Fisica Di Feynman, Zanichelli, nuova edizione completa, Vol. 1

  • Ingegneria Elettronica (Corso di Laurea Triennale (DM 270/04))

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