Facoltà di Ingegneria - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Human Physiology
Mara Fabri

Seat Ingegneria
A.A. 2016/2017
Credits 6
Hours 48
Period I
Language ENG

Notions of byilogy, biochemistry, anatomy and physics

Learning outcomes
The course will allow to know and understand the basic concepts of the physiology and the advanced knowledge of setting mechanisms of the physiological functions. The integrative role of the central nervous system on the human motor and sensory functions will be particularly emphasized.These notions, integrating those acquired during the course of Functional Anatomy of the previous cycle, will provide a further insight into the functioning of the human body, to allow therefore a student’s awareness of the wide multidisciplinary field of the Engineering; the numerous aspects linked to the analysis and support systems and technology will also be recalled, as well as the aspects resulting in the planning instrumentation for the measure and analysis of physiological parameters, and design of supporting systems for medically assisted help.
This course, mandatory for the master students, allows to learn the basic concepts of the physiology and the advanced knowledge of setting mechanisms of the physiological functions. The contents of the course will have to be exposed with the use of an adequate technical-scientific terminology.To deal with advanced and complex planning contents, and to promote the advancement and innovation of technological products and processes through the knowledge implementation, the student will have to properly interpret the results of physiological analysis. This skill will emerge through professional competences, as: 1. choosing the appropriate physiological variable to measure and/or analyze; 2. foreseeing the behavior of a physiological system in control conditions; 3. correctly interpreting the results of laboratory analysis, by working in team with other subjects involved in the study of the question
The students will have to acquire the ability to give clear presentation of their results, by using an appropriate technical and scientific language. By analyzing models originating from the true life experience and by simulating the solution of practical physiological problems the student will improve his/her level of independent judgment, his/her communication ability, independent learning ability, and the capability of critically analyze the questions.

General principles of Physiology. Concept of homeostasis. Fluid compartments. Cell membrane. Transport mechanisms across membranes. Cell physiology. Resting membrane potential. Action potential: origin and conduction. Synaptic transmission. Central nervous system neurotransmitters.? Functional organization of the vertebrate nervous system. The autonomic nervous system. Muscle physiology. Morphological and functional characteristics of skeletal, cardiac and smooth muscle. Muscle contraction. Mechanical and biochemical aspects. Energy sources for muscle contraction. Motor unit.? Physiology of movement. Definition of reflex. Spinal reflexes: stretch and withdrawal reflexes. Neural substrate for reflex responses. Control of posture and voluntary motor activity. Role of cortical motor areas. Corticospinal and corticobulbar tracts. Role of cerebellum and basal ganglia.?? Sensory physiology. Cutaneous, deep and visceral sensation. Neurophysiology of pain. Neurophysiology of vision. Neurophysiology of hearing and equilibrium. Neurophysiology of taste and smell. Cardiovascular physiology. Electrical activity of the heart. The heart as a pump. General hemodynamic principles. Laminar and turbulent flow. Measurement of arterial blood pressure.?Capillary exchanges. Blood flow from the major veins to the heart. The regulation of cardiac output and of peripheral circulation.? Respiratory physiology. Respiratory mechanics. Lung volumes. Alveolar ventilation. Alveolar gas exchanges. Blood transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide. Nervous and chemical regulation of respiration.? Renal physiology. Kidney functional anatomy. Glomerular filtration and renal blood flow. Absorptive and secretory functions of renal tubules. Homeostatic mechanisms maintaining osmolality and normal volume and ionic composition of extracellular fluids. Micturition. Gastrointestinal physiology. Motility and secretions. Digestion and absorption of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Nervous and hormonal control of gastrointestinal functions.

Development of the examination
The student's learning will be evaluated by means of an oral exam.

To pass the exam, the student must show to have an overall knowledge of the principke of functioning of human organs in normal conditions, and of the role of different organs in the integrated systems. The contents of the course should be presented by using an appropriate technical-scientific terminology.

The final evaluation will be expressed in thirtieths.

To pass the exam the student should reach a sufficient evaluation, 18/30. The maximum evaluation, 30/30, is reached when the student demonstrates a La valutazione massima è raggiunta dimostrando a complete knowledge of the arguments of the course. The honors are reserved to those students who demonstrate a personal in-depth analysis and a bright presentation.

Recommended reading
a) Title: Fisiologia umana?b) Authors: Stanfield, Germann?c) Publisher: EdiSES a) Title: Fisiologia di Vander?b) Authors: AAVV?c) Publisher: CEA? ? a) Title: Principi di Fisiologia?b) Authors: Berne, Levy?c) Publisher: CEA?? a) Title: Fisiologia b) Authors: Scotto Ed.?c) Publisher: Poletto

  • Biomedical Engineering (Corso di Laurea Magistrale (DM 270/04))

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