Facoltà di Ingegneria - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Costruzioni Idrauliche (EA)
Hydraulic Constructions
Luciano Soldini

Seat Ingegneria
A.A. 2016/2017
Credits 9
Hours 90
Period 1s
Language ENG

Basic knowledge of mathematics, physics and geometry.

Learning outcomes
The course of Urban Hydraulic Constructions wants to supply the basic knowledge to design and realize the hydraulic infrastructures in the urban area, in order to integrate the mastery of methodology and solutions oriented to design an architectural or urbanistic work with the capacity of supervising the complete and correct realization of the work.
In order to allow to the students of making architectural projects that fulfill both aesthetic and technical requirements of the designed work, the student has to be able to apply the basic principles of Hydraulics and Hydrology to dimension the hydraulic networks as pressure pipe system and storm and sanitary sewer at both urban scale and single building. Moreover he/she has to be able to deal with the problems concerning the realization of the work and the materials choice.
The exercise work, based on the project of a primary hydraulic network in a urbanizing area and on the redaction of a technical report and some graphic arts, permits to the student to apply his knowledge and learning ability to a planning process and to improve his own judgement autonomy and communication ability.

Generalities on hydraulics works and their design. References of the regulations in force. Generalities on fluids. Basic principles of hydrostatics. Basic principles of hydrodynamics. Pressure and open-channel flow. Design of pressure piping systems. Basic principles of hydrology. Design of storm and sanitary sewer. Materials and pipe-laying. Design of internal waterworks.

Development of the examination
The exam is based on: 1) an exercise work; 2) a written test and 3) an oral test. The exercise work consists on the solution of some applied problems on the main topics of the course, assigned during the lessons; the written test consists on the solution of two exercises and has the duration of three hours; the oral test is based on the discussion of the exercise work and of two or more questions about the topics of the course. The written test is preliminary to access to the oral test; the written test has a positive evaluation if both exercises have a final mark at least of eighteen points. The oral test has to be discussed in the same session. A final negative mark involve to repeat all the tests.

The positive result of the exam is proved if the candidate shows, by means of the previously described tests, 1) to understood the basic priciples of the Hydraulics; 2) to describe the main topics of planning and constructions of the hydraulic structures; 3) to be able to apply autonomously the methods and the procedures for the planning of the same structures.

Assignment of the final grade in thirtiethes.

The candidate that obtains at least a mark of eighteen points in every test previously described, get a positive evaluation. Full mark evaluation is obtained when the candidate shows a deep and complete knowledge of the topics of the course. Full mark and honour is reserved to those candidates that carry out all the test exactly and completely and that distinguish themselves for their special excellence in the oral presentation and in the editing of their exercise work.

Recommended reading
Citrini D., Noseda G., “Idraulica“, Ed. Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, Milano, ISBN 88-408-0588-5. - Da Deppo L., Datei C., Fiorotto V., Salandin P., Acquedotti, Ed. Progetto, Padova, ISBN 88-7784-230-X. - Da Deppo L., Datei C., Fognature, Ed. Progetto, Padova, ISBN 88-7784-242-3. - Gallizio A., Impianti sanitari, Ed. Hoepli, Milano, ISBN 88-203-2131-9. - Da Deppo L., Datei C., Le opere idrauliche nelle costruzioni stradali, Ed. BIOS, Cosenza, ISBN: 88-7740-269-5.- Becciu G., Paoletti A., Fondamenti di Costruzioni Idrauliche, Ed. UTET Scienze Tecniche, ISBN: 978-88-598-0522-9 Supplementary notes, slides and exercises can be found at https://lms.univpm.it/

  • Ingegneria Edile-Architettura (Corso di Laurea Magistrale con Riconoscimento Europeo (DM 270/04))

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