Facoltà di Ingegneria - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Fotogrammetria (EA)
Eva Savina Malinverni

Seat Ingegneria
A.A. 2016/2017
Credits 9
Hours 90
Period 2s
Language ENG


Learning outcomes
The course enables students to acquire theoretical and practical knowledge of photogrammetry, reminding the basic concepts of geodesy and mapping in order then to deepen by means of instruments and ICT technology the surveying process. Such knowledge will be upgraded with surveying, remote sensing and GIS skills, introducing also the statistical processing of the measures, to complete the knowledge of the geomatics. In this manner the student acquires a clear awareness of the use of such techniques which provide the necessary elements for a technical approach to the analysis and understanding of the building as a complex system and its relationship with the territory. This provide skills to analyze and solve problems related to the project and planning by means of the construction and reading of architectural representations and map at different scale.
Students must learn to identify the correct survey methods and the related technologies for a correct data survey acquisition, analysis and interpretation of the results, to employ for different engineering purposes: civil or environmental. This is to enable them to apply this knowledge when tackling advanced design themes, including those of a very complex nature; they should also be able apply the knowledge for the purposes of innovation and for developing new products and technological processes. This will be expressed through the development of a mixture of both organizational and professional skills, including: 1. the ability to appropriately choose the correct survey methods and technologies suitable for their applications; 2. the ability to make a correct analysis of the survey results by means of the statistical data processing; 3. the ability to read, understand and organize the results of a topographic or photogrammetric survey by graphic representations, orthoimages for a complete knowledge of the architectural complex and its surroundings.
Practical exercises and some experiences on field about the photogrammetric processing of the measures will improve to understand the survey knowledge given during the lectures. The evaluation of the learning level of the student is made of oral test that interests every theoretical and practical topic of the course program. The positive assessment of this test allows the admission to the oral test, that consists in the discussion on deep of some topics. This will help to improve students’ general levels of independent judgement, their ability to communicate, their capacity for independent learning and their ability to draw conclusions. The student must carry-out a practical survey.

Content (lectures 60 hours) Geodesy and Cartography basic concepts The surface datum: geoid, ellipsoid, their planimetric and altimetric differences. The reference frames. The cartographic representations. The Italian Official Cartography. Numerical cartography. The Geographical Information Systems (GIS). Photogrammetry The analytical-geometrical espressions. The acquisition of the images by digital camera (pan/multispectral), panoramic images, UAV system. Schema and technical procedures to follow in a photogrammetry survey. Surveying methods to perfom a ground control data network. Least square adjustment using the indirect measurements. Orientation stages of the photogrammetric survey: inner, extern, relative and absolute. Aereal Triangulation. Spherical photogrammetry. The digital photogrammetry algorithms to obtain an automatic restitution. Graphical and numerical restitutions. The digital products: numerical cartography, orthoimages, DEM and 3D model for the architectures. Processing of multispectral images to produce thematic Land Use/Land Cover maps. Classroom exercises (30 hours) Instrumental exercises: data images acquisition and data photogrammetric processing to produce a 3D surveying of the architecture.

Development of the examination
The evaluation of the learning level of the student consists in an oral test that interests every theoretical and practical topic of the course program and an assessment of a practical survey, coming from the exercises on field.

To pass in positive way the exam the student must prove, by means of the oral test and the practical results of the survey, to have well learned the concepts exposed in the class. The oral test is important and it must have at least a score equal to 18/30, to pass the exam. The practical survey is evaluated on completion of the oral test only if this is positive. To overcome with positive result the oral test, the student must show to have a general knowledge of the contents, sufficiently exposed in correct way with use of suitable technical terminology. The maximum evaluation will be achieved showing a deep knowledge, exposed with complete and accurate use of the technical language.

The exam is passed when the oral test is approved at least with the sufficiency, equal to eighteen points. The practical exercise results can improve the final score if it is concluded.

To pass the exam in positive way, the student must achieve at least the sufficiency, equal to eighteen points at the oral test. The maximum evaluation is reached showing a deep knowledge of the topics discussed during the course and the top marks is obtained performing a completed and well products of the practical exercises.

Recommended reading
G. Folloni, “Topografia” ed. Patron, Bologna. G. Fangi, “Note di fotogrammetria”, ed. Clua, Ancona. Slides and digital books related to the lessons of the course (Clua-typing office inside to the University)

  • Ingegneria Edile-Architettura (Corso di Laurea Magistrale con Riconoscimento Europeo (DM 270/04))

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