Facoltà di Ingegneria - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Architettura e Composizione Architettonica 4 (EA)
Architectural Composition 4
Gianluigi Mondaini

Seat Ingegneria
A.A. 2015/2016
Credits 9
Hours 90
Period 2s
Language ENG


Learning outcomes
The course explores the most scale architecture offering experiences of checking the quality of space, material and technological quality of the manufactured housing. It is believed the testing of strategic synergy between the issues of form, massing and languages in dealing with issues of sustainability.

The theme of the recovery has become transversal to all major European cities and organizations stems from the profound transformation occurred on the production system and industrial and also on the radical changes on the development of the city recently. The possibility offered by brownfields oo substitution allows the contemporary city to stop the process of expanding outward and stop the consumption of resources and territory in the creation of new suburbs recovering an internal new urban spaces and new centers . The course then will work on this type of areas, on comparison with the memory of a place that made the industrial and social history of the surrounding area , on the overlap and on the re-use of these areas through the re-use of industrial buildings and on the most significant ' idea of “ urbanity “ that the contaminated condition of activities and functions different from each other and activities aimed at the public or the public interest. The methodological approach will work around the possibilities offered by different programs and declination of these over time , aware that contemporary design is a complex organism , the structure of which is able to continuously change through processes of gradual adaptation .

Development of the examination
The assessment of student learning consists of two parts: - The presentation of architectural projects related to the topics included in the program, with design drowings that represent a synthesis agreed with the teacher; - Complete the oral presentation of the project, its concept and its theoretical and practical implications, through power point. The project can also be done in groups, with a maximum of two students. In this case, the discussion of the project must take place with the participation of the two contextual students.

To pass with success the assessment of learning, the student must demonstrate, through the two tests described above, his understand the criteria and design procedures, the need for theoretical implications related to the needs of the contemporary social and ability to respond in appropriate and innovative techniques. He must prove, in addition, to be able to apply, these criteria and the procedures to the project, to know how to properly use the materials and construction technologies appropriate and knowing how to prepare a presentation design and technical know how and public display.

The two tests will be evaluated in thirty and the final vote will be the result of the average of the two tests. The rating is then the sum of the marks obtained by witnessing the ability of autonomy in relation to theoretical issues articulated in the

In order for the overall outcome of the evaluation is positive, the student must achieve at least a pass in the two trials described above. The highest rating is achieved by demonstrating a thorough understanding of the theoretical and practical content of the course in the two tests and proving to be able to project management that is consistent with the content itself and credible technical level. Praise is given to students who, having performed the tests correctly and completely, have demonstrated a particular brilliance in the oral and in the preparation of project works.

Recommended reading
- A Terranova. La città e i progetti. Gangemi Editori, Roma 1993 - P. Desideri. La città di latta. Meltemi Editori, Roma 2002 - L. Prestinenza Pugliesi. Hyperarchitettura. Testo & Immagine, Torino 1999 - G. Mondaini. Abitare dopo il moderno. Sala editori

  • Ingegneria Edile-Architettura (Corso di Laurea Magistrale con Riconoscimento Europeo (DM 270/04))

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