Facoltà di Ingegneria - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Laboratorio di Tecnica Urbanistica (EA)
Fabio Bronzini

Seat Ingegneria
A.A. 2016/2017
Credits 3
Hours 50
Period 1s
Language ENG


Learning outcomes
Laboratory work consists of studying and developing projects and/or plans on an urban or territorial scale. Regeneration or new plant projects, with an evaluation of the approaches to plans, legislative choices and project/planning proposals of alternative intervention solutions. The Laboratory may appropriately coordinate itself with other urban planning, environmental, composition, infrastructure, geological and geotechnical fields.
In order to address design issues through the application of knowledge, the student should know how to draw up analysis and project maps, giving the solutions to eliminate the pathologies, protect and enhance the values, with graphs, reports and regulations. Laboratory work may be carried out through direct inspections in recovery and redevelopment urban areas. The skills acquired will be expressed through professional skills applied to the products of the Laboratory, such as: 1. the ability to design implementation Plans, or participate fully in design groups of complex plans; 2. the ability to identify pathologies and values and, on one hand, define solutions to mitigate/resolve pathologies and risks, and, on the other hand, to safeguard and enhance such values; 3. the ability to suggest good practices and guidelines to enhance urban and territorial structures.
Even when carrying out Laboratory work, all the possibilities of studying urban and territorial themes and contexts will be explored, coordinating these with other teaching, in order to encourage teamwork, communication skills, the student ability to judge autonomously, learning skills and the ability to draw conclusions and design solutions.

Theory lessons and exercitation are focused on the editing of the PRG and sub ordered plans. Lessons also concern with: zoning technique evolution und use, principal laws in force, urban plan structure, elements of environmental planning.

Development of the examination
Students activity will be tested in the examination of the teaching which is entrusted with the management of the laboratory.

Recommended reading
TEXT BOOKS: F.Bronzini, M.A.Bedini, G.Marinelli, Il respiro italiano, Gangemi Editore 2015; Fabio Bronzini, Paola Nicoletta Imbesi, Maria Angela Bedini. Il Corsivo di Giuseppe Imbesi, “La misura del Piano. Valutazione comparata della qualità nei piani urbanistici”, Vol. 1, Gangemi Editore, Roma, 2014. Fabio Bronzini, Paola Nicoletta Imbesi, Maria Angela Bedini, Giovanni Marinelli, Francesco Alberti, Giuseppe Michelangeli, introduzione di Paolo Colarossi, “La misura del Piano. Strumenti e strategie”, Vol. 2,, Gangemi Editore, Roma, 2014 OTHER REFERENCE BOOKS: M.A. Bedini, F. Bronzini, The new territories of urban planning: The issue of the fringe areas and settlement filaments, Land Use Policy, Volume 57, pp. 130–138, 30 November 2016. F.Bronzini, M.A.Bedini, G.Marinelli (a cura di), Mterritorio numerotre, Ancona Univerity Press, Ancona, 2015

  • Ingegneria Edile-Architettura (Corso di Laurea Magistrale con Riconoscimento Europeo (DM 270/04))

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P.zza Roma 22, 60121 Ancona
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