Facoltà di Ingegneria - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Tecnica Urbanistica (EA)
Urban Planning
Fabio Bronzini

Seat Ingegneria
A.A. 2016/2017
Credits 9
Hours 90
Period 1s
Language ENG


The aim of the course is to provide skills in the editing of the PRG and sub ordered plans. Topis Communications based on the interpretation of the forms and functions of the contemporary city. Critical study of the city and government of the territory. The course covers the topics of urban design, urban planning, landscape and infrastructures. Specific topics: 1. Aspects of Urban Design. (Hands-on application. The urban); 2. Urban zoning: tables of analysis and project values. (Hands-on graphical representation and calculation procedures);3. implementation plans; 4.Infrastutture and Landscape, case studies and experiences in Europe; 5. The urban green networks, case studies and experiences in Europe; 6. Innovative tools for urban regeneration: STU, Project Financing and program agreements; 7. Masterplan and urban transformation; 8. Ecocitys and eco-friendly neighborhoods, new national and international experience; 9. New Italian Urbanism legislation; 10. Priority projects for urban regeneration in the urban city of Ancona new tool; 11. Examples of urban transformation project: ”The Green Comet Conero from the historic town”, ecological networks and the system of pedestrian and cycle paths as part of connection / improvement of the city; 12. Experiences of urban planning: The PRG of Jesi, the Structure Plan in Bologna and Milan; 13. The Shanghai Expo, ”Better City Better Life”, to new modes of urban quality; 14. The governance of the territory of the suburbs: the critical settlement pattern Marche Region exercises in progress. The course aims to provide students with basic knowledge to interpret the general planning and implementation tools. We produce maps for analysis and design tutorials and graphic analysis of urban space and territory

Development of the examination
The evaluation of the 'students' learning by a written test on the content of the course. The trial to be completed in two hours, is divided into five questions. The trial is conditional on the delivery of the documents prepared during the class exercises.

The student must demonstrate that they understand the concepts presented in the course by passing the written test and the activities proposed exercises in the classroom.

The final score, expressed out of thirty points, is given a final overall assessment relates to the commitment demonstrated during the course, the skills acquired by the student, the score of the work done during exercises and the marks obtained in the written test.

The success of the evaluation is given by the attainment of a positive final rating on the elaborate exercises and at least a score of 18/30 in the written test. The highest rating is attributed to show a thorough understanding the contents of the course in the written test and exercise, and expressing a good display capacity in the presentation of the works of the laboratory.

Recommended reading
TEXT BOOKS: F.Bronzini, M.A.Bedini, G.Marinelli, Il respiro italiano, Gangemi Editore 2015; Fabio Bronzini, Paola Nicoletta Imbesi, Maria Angela Bedini. Il Corsivo di Giuseppe Imbesi, “La misura del Piano. Valutazione comparata della qualità nei piani urbanistici”, Vol. 1, Gangemi Editore, Roma, 2014. Fabio Bronzini, Paola Nicoletta Imbesi, Maria Angela Bedini, Giovanni Marinelli, Francesco Alberti, Giuseppe Michelangeli, introduzione di Paolo Colarossi, “La misura del Piano. Strumenti e strategie”, Vol. 2,, Gangemi Editore, Roma, 2014 OTHER REFERENCE BOOKS: M.A. Bedini, F. Bronzini, The new territories of urban planning: The issue of the fringe areas and settlement filaments, Land Use Policy, Volume 57, pp. 130–138, 30 November 2016. F.Bronzini, M.A.Bedini, G.Marinelli (a cura di), Mterritorio numerotre, Ancona Univerity Press, Ancona, 2015

  • Ingegneria Edile-Architettura (Corso di Laurea Magistrale con Riconoscimento Europeo (DM 270/04))

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