Facoltà di Ingegneria - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Sicurezza e Impatto Ambientale dei Campi Elettromagnetici
Safety and Environmental Impact of the Electromagnetic Fields
Graziano Cerri

Seat Ingegneria
A.A. 2016/2017
Credits 9
Hours 72
Period I
Language ENG

Knowledge of ordinary differential equations of the first and second order. Knowledge of integral computation. Knowledge of divergence, gradient and curl operators. Complex numbers. Vectors. Measurement Units. Elements of electromagnetic fields.

Learning outcomes
The course provides elements to understand national and international standards concerning safety for exposition to electromagnetic fields, and physical-mathematical tools to classify and describe the interaction mechanisms between electromagnetic fields and human body, in the frequency range from industrial frequency up to microwaves. This knowledge, as well as elements concerning the disciplines of electromagnetics, electronics and telecommunications, constitutes the basis for the estimation of exposition hazards related to the use of electronic devices for power industrial applications and electric energy management and distribution
In order to face problems related to safety aspects for exposition to electromagnetic fields, also in complex environments, the student has to understand correctly the risk assessment for common people and workers. This means: capability for application of standards in realistic environments; capability to carry out measurements critically explained; capability of choice of suitable techniques to minimize the electromagnetic environmental impact of telecommunication systems; capability of handling techniques to mitigate the electromagnetic impact in areas exposed to not complying field levels
Some measurements carried out in laboratory and concerning significant canonical situations, previously described theoretically in the classroom, will lead to the development of technical reports. The aim is to improve the general autonomous judgement, to better the capability to relate with other students, and to develop the critical learning process

Safety Ground connection; Low frequency electromagnetic fields exposition; National and international regulations for exposition of workers and population to low frequency electromagnetic fields; Measurements of low frequency fields; Mitigation of exposition to low frequency fileds; High frequency electromagnetic fields exposition; Dosimetry; National and international regulations for exposition of workers and population to high frequency electromagnetic fields; Measurements of high frequency fields; Mitigation of exposition to high frequency fileds; Electromagnetic Susceptibility. Notes: 1) depending on the number of attending students, and considering the availability of only one measurement set-up, laboratory sessions will be carried out, but it is impossible to quantify this activity in terms of hours.

Development of the examination
The exam is oral. It generally consists of three questions. The first has a practical feature and consists of the soluton of a test case. The second concerns theoretical aspects related to the modeling of the interaction between electromagnetic fields and biological bodies. The third pertains national and international regulations.

The student has to show his understanding and his capability to discriminate the fundamental aspects characterizing the environmental impact of the electromagnetic fields, adopting proper methods to state, approach, and solve autonomously safety problems related to the exposition of workers or population to electromagnetic fields.

It is related to the autonomy of the student to approach the proposed problems, to the correct methodologic approach, and to the discriminating capability to choose the most suitable solution properly related to the regulations.

The three exam questions have equivalent weights. The highest mark cum laude is given if the student shows total autonomy, a rigorous methodologic approach, a great critical sense. The minimum score of eighteen over thirty is given when the student shows sufficient autonomy and sufficient knowledge of the most important aspects related to the environmental impact of the electromagnetic fields.

Recommended reading
1) D. Andreuccetti, M. Bini, et al. “Protezione dai Campi elettromagnetici non Ionizzanti“, 3^Ed., CNR (available on line, free download); 2) C. Polk, E. Postow, “Biological effects of electromagnetic fields“, CRC Press.

  • Ingegneria Elettronica (Corso di Laurea Triennale (DM 270/04))

Università Politecnica delle Marche
P.zza Roma 22, 60121 Ancona
Tel (+39) 071.220.1, Fax (+39) 071.220.2324
P.I. 00382520427