Facoltà di Ingegneria - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Impianti Chimici Ambientali
Environmental Chemical Plants
Francesco Fatone

Seat Ingegneria
A.A. 2016/2017
Credits 9
Hours 72
Period II
Language ENG

Elements of hydraulic

Learning outcomes
The course enables students to acquire advanced knowledge of design of operative units related to the biological treatment of urban and industrial wastewater. This knowledge will allow to acquire scientific approach to complex and interdisciplinary engineering problems with clear reference to the design aspects and to the critique analysis of the typical application problems of the chemical-environmental engineering.
The student will acquire the knowledge of the technological productive processes for the treatment of municipal and industrial wastewaters with biological systems. The problem of the traditional or advanced nutrient removal and sludge treatment will be developed in order to learn the structure and design phases. The use of specific software for the solution of applied problems will allow comparable approach to that commonly used in the labor market.
The approach to the design of engineering structures and environmental and chemical plants will increase the degree of independence in terms of the critical choices during the design phase and the learning capacity in the analysis and definition of the project data.

1-Law: Design and realization of treatment and drinkable waters plants. Analysis of the law for the sludge treatment plants. 2-Wastewater: Project data for waste water treatment plants. Biological treatments. Attached and suspended growth reactors, kinetics of biological growth. Aerobic and anaerobic processes; theory of processes design. 3-Design in advanced treatments: Biological nitrogen removal, nitrification, denitrification. Biological phosphorus removal. Combined removal of nitrogen and phosphorus by biological methods. Removal of nutrients by physical and chemical processes. MBR processes, Constructed Wetlands. 4- Simulation models: Simulation model in biological processes: IAWPRC model. Calculation example for real plants .Plant engineering. 5-Process types: Phoredox process and its modifications, UCT process and its modification. Systems for small communities. 6- Sewage sludge treatment: Biological treatment of sludge. Sludge anaerobic digestion and aerobic stabilization, composting; process theory and design methods. Plant design 7- Wastewater treatment plant design

Development of the examination
The evaluation will be oral examination during which it is expected to be discussed the topics related to biological processes and methods of treatment of sludge and the design implications

To successfully pass the evaluation of learning, the student must demonstrate the understanding of the concepts presented in class and the acqusition of the theoretical principles, design and application of biological processes and sludge treatment methods.

During the examinations will be evaluated the understanding of the theoretical and experimental principles of the treated topics and the ability to properly use the design principles of processes units and technologies

The final mark is attributed with minimum grade of 18/30 associated with complete knowledge of the treated topics. Additional points up to 30/30 will be awarded based on the general and specific skills. The evaluation "cum laude" will be given to students with elevated outstanding and critical exposition of the arguments.

Recommended reading
Course notes; Metcalf and Eddy, ”Wastewater engineering treatment disposal and reuse”, Ed. Mc Graw Hill (Hoepli inter); Beccari et al., ”Rimozione di azoto e fosforo dai liquami”, Ed. Bibliotece Tecnica Hoepli; Masotti, ”Depurazione delle acque”, Ed. Calderoni; Sirini P., ”Ingegneria sanitaria ambientali”, Ed. Mc Graw Hill; Henze, Harremoës, La Cour Jansen Arvin, ”Wastewater treatment” “Biological and chemical processes”, Sec. Ed. Springe

  • Ingegneria Civile (Corso di Laurea Magistrale (DM 270/04))

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