Facoltà di Ingegneria - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Corrosione e Protezione dei Materiali
Corrosion and Protection of Materials
Romeo Fratesi

Seat Ingegneria
A.A. 2015/2016
Credits 6
Hours 48
Period I
Language ENG


Learning outcomes
The course aims to provide the student with a broad knowledge of metal corrosion by addressing technical and scientific aspects, and to illustrate typical corrosion types with the aid of specimens. On successful completion of the module the student should be able to select the most appropriate material for a given application

Chemical, physical and mechanical interactions of the materials with the environment. Economic aspects of the materials deterioration. Technical and scientific aspects of the corrosion phenomena. High temperature oxidation and corrosion by means of electrochemical mechanism. Typical forms of corrosion: galvanic, pitting , crevice, intergranular , stress corrosion, etc. Effect of environment type on the corrosion of metal structures: atmosphere, fresh waters, sea water, soil, concrete, artificial environments. Corrosion inhibitors. Constructive strategies to avoid corrosive phenomena. Deterioration processes of the materials with particular reference to metallic materials. Thermodynamic and kinetic aspects. Chemical, physical and mechanical interactions of the materials with the environment. Techniques for corrosion prevention and protection. Superficial pretreatments. Organic and inorganic superficial coatings: painting, galvanizing, enamelling, etc. Criterions of materials selection. Cathodic protection of the structures. Recovery/restoration techniques of corroded materials. Constructive strategies to extent the structure and manufactured articles durability.

Development of the examination
The assessment of student learning consists of an oral test: - the oral test consists in the discussion of two or three topics covered in the course. During the oral test some real objects or some pictures of them are also shown; these objects were subjected to corrosion phenomenon and the student will perform a diagnosis of the causes of damage and possible methods of prevention.

To successfully pass the whole examination, the student must demonstrate: to have an overall knowledge of the topics covered during the course; to identify the typical cases of corrosion from the damaging morphology. The highest points are achieved by demonstrating an exhaustive understanding of the course contents and the ability to relate the theoretical corrosion aspects with the practical situation of protection and prevention.

The measurement of learning is performed by giving a numerical weight to each of the following parameters: - knowledge of a given topic; - reasoning ability; - ability to identify practical cases of corrosion and to indicate how to solve them. To

In order to obtain an overall positive evaluation, the student must achieve at least a pass, amounting to eighteen points in each of the three parameters mentioned above. Full marks with distinction is given to students who, answering to all questions correctly, have demonstrated a complete knowledge of the course topics.

Recommended reading
G. Bianchi, F. Mazza: “Corrosione e Protezione dei Metalli”, Ed. AIM Milano G. Wranglen, Ed. Italiana a cura R. Fratesi: “Elementi di Corrosione e protezione dei metalli”, ECIG Genova. P. Pedeferri, “Corrosione e protezione dei materiali metalici” , Vol

  • Ingegneria Meccanica (Corso di Laurea Triennale (DM 270/04))

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