Facoltà di Ingegneria - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Pianificazione dello Sviluppo Territoriale
Territorial development planning
Roberta Angelini

Seat Ingegneria
A.A. 2016/2017
Credits 6
Hours 48
Period I
Language ENG

The course allows the student to develop interdisciplinary studies in the fields of the environment, territory and socio-economic development in collaboration with other disciplinary sectors of the University Course through an integrated teaching.

Learning outcomes
The course aims at introducing to the critical knowledge of the nature and complex structure of the territory, highlighting the different disciplinary approaches that contribute to defining the settlement forms and structures of the territory and provide knowledge and in-depth interdisciplinary studies in the environmental, territorial and socio-economic development sectors. The aim of the course is to allow the student to gain basic professional training, providing in-depth technical knowledge in urban planning-territorial design and planning.
The student must be able to correctly interpret urban and territorial phenomena, identify critical aspects and the potential of the systems analysed, propose alternative intervention scenarios of structure and spatial organisation, prepare reports and regulations.
The course allows the student to develop interdisciplinary studies in the fields of the environment, territory and socio-economic development in collaboration with other disciplinary sectors of the University Course through an integrated teaching. As regards, cross-disciplinary skills in the fields of environmental protection, risk protection, regeneration of the unexpressed potential of the territory and interdisciplinary economic and territorial analyses will be developed.

The educational objective of the course is to introduce the student to critical knowledge of the characteristics and the complex structure of the territory, highlighting the different disciplinary approaches which combine to define the structure and settlement patterns and provide knowledge and interdisciplinary studies in the field of environment and territory. Content of lectures (32 hours) The course is structured in communications with insights on best practices and practical examples. They will also be invited to participate in experts from different disciplines that integrate the communications of lecturer. The main topics of the course: The principles of the territorial Planning and their evolution - The levels of planning, types of plans and entities responsible - Multi levels of spatial planning: municipal, local, regional - The main innovations on the territorial government - Case studies and good practices. Exercises (16 hours) The student must know how to correctly interpret the urban and territorial complexes phenomena, and highlight critical and potential elements of the systems analyzed, propose alternative intervention scenarios of spatial organization, produce reports and urban planning regulations.

Development of the examination
The student is assessed with reference to two ways: evaluating the papers drawn up during the class exercises and evaluation of exam questions. The papers are closely related to the exercises of the course topics with the aim to implement an application trial of the same topics. The next written test shall be subject to the delivery of the papers arranged during exercises in the classroom and to having obtained a judgment at least sufficient in the group work. The written test to be completed in two hours, is divided into five questions on topics covered in the course; in case of negative results of the written examination, students must repeat the test,

The student must demonstrate that they understand the concepts presented in the course through exercises and through the answers to exam questions. The drafting of the documents takes place with constant revisions with the teacher of the course, with urban planning workshops and a plenary seminar comparison between different working groups.

Each working group engaged in exercises receives a qualitative synthetic judgment. Each individual student for the written test receives a score ranging from eighteen to thirty. The final score, expressed out of thirty points, is given a final overall assessment relates to the commitment demonstrated during the course, the skills acquired by the student, the score of the work done during exercises and the marks obtained in the written test.

The student must achieve a positive final judgment on the elaborate of exercises and at least sufficiency in the written test. The final grade is given by the qualitative and quantitative sum of the written test with a rating between 18 and 30, with the weighted qualitative result of exercises of products on a scale of five values (sufficient, fair, good, very good, excellent). The overall evaluation of the written exam has a weight of 60% while the qualitative result of the exercises has a weight of 40%.

Recommended reading
Bronzini F., Bedini M.A., Imbesi P. “The measure of the Urban Plan , Vol 1 e Vol 2”, Gangemi, Roma, 2014. The teacher will identify texts by mutual agreement with the teachers of the reference sectors targeted by the program, in order to highlight the most interesting examples of reference under the interdisciplinary aspect.

  • Ingegneria Civile (Corso di Laurea Magistrale (DM 270/04))

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