Facoltà di Ingegneria - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Pianificazione dello Sviluppo Territoriale
Territorial development planning
Pietro Marcolini

Seat Ingegneria
A.A. 2015/2016
Credits 6
Hours 48
Period I
Language ENG


Learning outcomes
The course, strictly aimed at detailed interdisciplinary studies on environment and territory, is delivered in close collaboration with other courses of the Degree and is a prerequisite to the creation of interdisciplinary thesis.

The Course is divided into interdisciplinary skills in the field of environment, land and socio-economic development. The course introduces the student to the critical understanding of the characters and the complex structure of the territory, showing the different approaches to the governance of the territory and urban planning. The course is based on interdisciplinary lessons and working groupsfor finding integrated solutions for the development of spatial planning. They will also be invited to participate in experts from different disciplines and will planned a series of exercises on land issues and economic and territorial planning of the Marche Region. Topics of the course: - The principles of the Regional Planning - Tools for the territorial government and policy makers - Multi levels of spatial planning: municipal, local, the management competences of the state, regional, provincial, Metropolitan Area and local governments

Development of the examination
The evaluation of the 'students' learning by a written test on the content of the course. The trial to be completed in two hours, is divided into five questions. The trial is conditional on the delivery of the documents prepared during the class exercises

The student must demonstrate that they understand the concepts presented in the course by passing the written test and the activities proposed exercises in the classroom

The final score, expressed out of thirty points, is given a final overall assessment relates to the commitment demonstrated during the course, the skills acquired by the student, the score of the work done during exercises and the marks obtained in the written test.

The success of the evaluation is given by the attainment of a positive final rating on the elaborate exercises and at least a score of 18/30 in the written test. The highest rating is attributed to show a thorough understanding the contents of the course in the written test and exercise, and expressing a good display capacity in the presentation of the works of the laboratory.

Recommended reading
Bronzini F, Bedini M.A. Imbesi P. “The measure of the Urban Plan”, Vol 1 , Gangemi, Roma, 2014;Bronzini F,Bedini M.A, Imbesi P.,Marinelli G.et alii, “The measure of the Urban Plan”, Vol 2 Gangemi, Roma, 2014

  • Ingegneria Civile (Corso di Laurea Magistrale (DM 270/04))

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P.zza Roma 22, 60121 Ancona
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