Facoltà di Ingegneria - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Teoria e Progetto dei Ponti
Bridge Theory and Design
Luigino Dezi

Seat Ingegneria
A.A. 2015/2016
Credits 9
Hours 72
Period II
Language ENG

Material covered in Structural Engineering is considered as assumed knowledge.

Learning outcomes
The course deals with theoretical aspects and the structural modelling of bridges. Reinforced concrete and steel concrete composite design of bridges are specifically considered.

Structural typologies and construction techniques: decks with precast prestressed concrete girders or box-girders; steel-concrete composite decks; arch bridges; cable stayed bridges; substructures (piers, abutments and bearings). Influence lines: generalised Betti’s theorem and related theorems; the influence lines of displacements and internal stress resultants due to moving loads and deformations. Loads on bridges: traffic loads, wind loads, thermal loadings, etc. Transverse loading distribution: orthotropic plates and beam grids; simplified methods by Engesser and Courbon-Albenga. Box-girders: effects due to non-uniform torsion and transverse deformability. Creep and shrinkage effects: continuous steel-concrete composite beams, continuous decks with postponed restraints and variable static scheme. Tutorials: design of a bridge with a steel-concrete composite deck.

Development of the examination
The evalulation of student learning is based on two assessments: - the devopment of a design project of a bridge; - an oral exam consisting in a discussion of the design project and in some theoretical questions on the topics covered during the course. To access the oral exam the student is required to have completed the project.

Through the design project and the oral exam the student must demonstrate to have learned the topics covered during the course, such as analysis and design methods of structural bridge typologies studied in the course.

The evaluation of both the assessment is expressed in thirtieths.

The student is expected to pass both assessments. The final mark of the course will be calculated after the oral exam as the average of the marks received for these two assessments. The 'lode' will be awarded to students who, having correctly completed the two assessments, show an outstanding understanding in the subject.

Recommended reading
Petrangeli M.P., Progettazione e costruzione di ponti, Masson Ed. ESA. (in Italian) Raithel A., Costruzione di ponti, Liguori Editore. (in Italian)

  • Ingegneria Civile (Corso di Laurea Magistrale (DM 270/04))

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