Facoltà di Ingegneria - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Stabilità dei Pendii ed Opere di Sostegno
Slope stability and retaining structures
Viviene Marianne Esther Fruzzetti

Seat Ingegneria
A.A. 2016/2017
Credits 6
Hours 48
Period II
Language ENG

Knowledge of basic principles of soil mechanics, geology, hydraulics, geotecnical and structural design

Learning outcomes
The course tackles the themes of slope stability analysis and retaining structures design, providing the students the opportunity to apply their knowledge of soil mechanics and geotechnical engineering to real case studies. The analysis of the structures will be carried out using also geotechnical numerical codes.
Students will be able to interpret the results of geotechnical investigations, select soil parameters (strength and stiffness), define a representative geotechnical model, carry out analysis according to the national code (NTC2008) even by the use of professional software, to prepare a geotechnical report. T
The course aims at providing students with the appropriate skills to solve typical and simple geotechnical problems in autonomy and to tackle more complex problems in a critical way taking into account both construction aspects and technological solutions.

Soil investigation: in situ and laboratory testing. Soil geotechnical properties: shear strenght, total and effective, peak, critical and residual strenghts. Monitoring. Slope stability. Instability processes: classifications, definition of the geotechnical model, slope stability analyses. Slope stabilization: structural remedials, drainages. Pratical work: analysis of a slope stability problem also by using professional software Retaining structures. Earth pressure theories, both in static and seismic conditions. Soil structure interaction models. Geotechnical design and technologies: earth walls, diaphragm walls and sheet piles. Anchors. Practical work: design of flexible earth retaining structures and of their anchors, also by using professional software.

Development of the examination
Path1. Written and oral examinations. Three hours are at student's disposal to solve a geothecnical problem related to the topic of the lectures. Path 2. Report of pratical work and oral examination. The pratical work is a geotechnical report pertaining to a real problem; the report will contain an interpretation of data sets useful to make an appropiate choice of strenght parameters and soil stiffness, a realistic geotechnical model, the geotechnical analysis according national code. For both paths, the oral examination includes open questions on theorethical, experimental and practical aspects of the discipline.

Path 1. A first stage is constituted by a written examination, followed by an oral examination relating also to other course topics. The minimum entry requirement for oral examination is a sufficient mark on written examination. Path 2. The student will discuss his pratical work, then will give an oral examination relating to other course topics. For both paths, the students must justify exhaustively their geotechnical design choices, also for complex geotechnical problems.

Marks are expressed out of 30.The final evalutation, expressed by a number from 0 to 30 (positive evalutation from 18 to 30) will be a ponderate averange of the evalutions of written (or pratical work) and oral examination.

Positive evaluation: suitable knowledge of topics and proper use of technical language. Full evaluation: in depth knowledge of course topics, mastery of technical language, ability to optimize a geotechnical design and to apply the knowledge gained in sister courses.

Recommended reading
Clayton et al.(2006) La spinta delle terre e le opere di sostegno” Hevelius Ed.;Farulla A. (2001) Analisi di stabilità dei pendii, Hevelius Ed.; Desideri A. et al. (1997) Drenaggi a gravità per la stabilizzazione dei pendii, Hevelius Ed.; Papers and technical report provided by lecturer.

  • Ingegneria Civile (Corso di Laurea Magistrale (DM 270/04))

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