Facoltà di Ingegneria - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Pavimentazione e Materiali Stradali e Aeroportuali
Pavements and Materials for highways and airports
Francesco Canestrari

Seat Ingegneria
A.A. 2015/2016
Credits 6
Hours 48
Period I
Language ENG


Learning outcomes
The first part of the course provides the basic knowledge for the characterization of the mechanical behavior of construction materials used in road and airport pavements. In the second part methods for pavement design are presented and discussed.

Rheology of road construction materials: elasticity and plasticity of solids, viscosity of solids and liquids; Linear viscoelasticity: mechanical behavior of viscoelastic material, the Boltzmann superposition principle, creep and relaxation tests, creep and relaxation modulus; Linear rheological models: Maxwell model, Kelvin-Voight model, spectrum of the relaxation time and of the delay time, complex modulus and complex compliance; Dynamic mechanical measurements: complex modulus and dissipation, viscoelastic parameters as a frequency function: standard linear solid; Molecular mechanisms: time-temperature superposition principle, Arrhenius equation and WLF model; Basic elements of plasticity of materials. Plastic and viscoplastic behavior; Elements of mechanical damage; Types of pavement structures and used materials; Principles underlying the design of the road pavements; Mechanical properties of the materials; Fatigue resistance of pavement structures; Methods for design of pavement structures; Introduction to empirical methods; Introduction to rational methods; Parameters of the subgrade load bearing capacity; Italian catalog of the road pavements; AASHTO empirical statistical design method; Example on the AASHTO empirical statistical design method; Asphalt Institute mechanistic-empirical design method; Example on the rational design method; NCHRP mechanistic-empirical design method; Teaching laboratory: laboratory and site equipment for characterization tests of materials

Development of the examination
Oral exam

The candidate should show an overall knowledge and correct presentazion of discussed contents, with the use of proper technical terminology. Learning level is considered sufficient if the assessment achieved for each question is sufficient. The full marks is achieved on the basis of a complete understanding of discussed topics.

Assignment of a final score (maximum score is 30)

In order to pass the examination with a minimum score, the student needs to know sufficiently each course topic. Higher score will be assigned based on the general and specific competences. The maximum score will be achieved by proving an extensive knowledge of the course topics during the examinations. The score ”cum laude” will be assigned to the student that will obtain the maximum score and will be able to prove a strong competence on the subject as well as to excel in the oral examination.

Recommended reading
I.M. Ward, Mechanical properties of solid polimers, John Wiley & Sons. C.S. Desai, H. J. Siriwardane, Constitutive Law for Engineering Materials, Prentice-Hall. J.Lubliner, Plasticity Theory, Macmillan Publishing Company. J.Lemaitre, A Course on Damage

  • Ingegneria Civile (Corso di Laurea Magistrale (DM 270/04))

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