Facoltà di Ingegneria - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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C.I. - Modulo di Sociologia (30 ore) (EA)
Norma Barbini

Seat Ingegneria
A.A. 2016/2017
Credits 3
Hours 30
Period 1s
Language ENG


Learning outcomes
From a sociological perspective, the aim of this course is to provide conceptual and analytical tools in order to identify and reflect critically about the main social phenomena related to the development of urban contexts, both in an historical perspective and regarding the ongoing phase. The main urban issues considered in this course will range from the urban structure, to the processes of urban segregation, mobility dynamics and quality of life in urban contexts.
Students will be invited to apply the conceptual and analytical tools provided during the course, through a selection and a critical reflection about one of the main urban issues related to the spatial context in which they live. Moreover, this exercise will be aimed also to identify potential urban policies in order to tackle the social problems related to selected urban questions.
The aim of this course is to expand the conceptual and analytical tools which can be applied in the design and organization of urban contexts, taking into account also the social implications related to urban dynamics.

Content (30 hours) The course aims to provide students with a thorough insight of the complex interactions between society and territory through an approach that contextualizes the different knowledge of the discipline: analysis of social organization; aid communication and interaction; the city throughout history, urbanization, globalization, sustainable development. The main urban issues that will be addressed will range from the Urbis, the residential segregation processes, the dynamics of mobility and quality of life.They also developed methods of observation and collection of urban and social phenomena data with the presentation of case studies in the classroom.

Development of the examination
The exam consists of an oral test. Are provided for optional tests of ongoing evaluation, substantial: in the preparation of a report group on a topic of your choice of interest of the subject and a discussion of one of the chapters of the recommended text

The student, during the oral test, will have to demonstrate knowledge of the fundamentals of the subject. To successfully pass the oral exam, the student must demonstrate an overall understanding of teaching content, state sufficiently exposed with the use of appropriate technical terminology. The highest rating will be achieved by demonstrating a thorough understanding of teaching content, exposed with complete mastery of technical language.

It evaluates the autonomous capacity not the student to set up and solve problems that are placed. In case the student wishes to take the tests in the pipeline, it will be assigned to each of the tests a score between zero and thirty. The overall grade, out of thirty, is the average of the marks obtained in the tests, with rounding to the entire excess. In case the student wishes to take the oral test, it will be made an attribution of the final mark out of thirty.

At the end of the exam the student must possess the full baggage of knowledge. Additional score, compared to the minimum grade of 18, must be allocated according to the command of general and specific skills. The honors will be given to students who, having achieved the highest rating, have demonstrated a particular mastery of the subject.

Recommended reading
Giampaolo Nuvolati (a cura di), ”Lezioni di sociologia urbana”, Il Mulino

  • Ingegneria Edile-Architettura (Corso di Laurea Magistrale con Riconoscimento Europeo (DM 270/04))

Università Politecnica delle Marche
P.zza Roma 22, 60121 Ancona
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