Facoltà di Ingegneria - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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C.I. - Modulo di Diritto Urbanistico (30 ore) (EA)
Salvatore Menditto

Seat Ingegneria
A.A. 2015/2016
Credits 3
Hours 30
Period 2s
Language ENG

Learning outcomes
1) The course address the evolution of urban planning and, in particular, the regulations in force, the Master Plan and the land use planning. 2) The aspects covered in the course include: knowledge of legal entities; the types of bonds and general notions of laws for public and private building works and urban planning; risks prevention and security. 3) The course deals with the basic concepts of sociology and social structures, deepening the historical evolution of sociology from the first studies on the latest trends in contemporary society with particular reference to the sociology of art, understood as the study of the dialectical relationship between art and society , and the main schools of thought related to urban sociology

Principles generate them and organizational of the government of the territory - Profiles generate them: the urban planning, the government of the territory, the building, the protection of the atmosphere and the jobs publics (distinctions and possible superimpositions) - Organizational Profiles: the relationships between the various constituent Agencies the Republic in the matter of the government of the territory: title V of the Constitution - The legislative competences and the administrative functions: State, Regions, Province and Comuni - The national discipline and the regional role of that (and communal one) - The planning urban planning of directives - The planning metropolitan and communal urban planning - Building Regulations and program of fabrication - The planning performance urban planning - the pluriennali programs of performance (P.P.A.) - The residential public building and the plans of zone for the economic and popular building - The recovery plans - the safeguard measures - Ties to the management of the territory - The regime of urban public works - The eminent domain - Construction activity (fews) - Environmental legislation and environmental processes: VIA; VAS; AIA - Access on urban planning and environmenta

Development of the examination
he evaluation is done through a written exam, with multiple questions and domnda open on topics covered during the course. If the test is not successful or if soddisfarcente we proceed with the oral test

in the exam, students must demonstrate that they have learned the basics and know how to read and apply the law illustrated lecture. also evaluates the ability to link between different legal institutions and knowledge of the fundamental principles of matter.

understanding fundamental institutions - connection capacity - personal study of issues - technical language mastery

correctness and completeness of answers depending on the difficulty of the question - presentation skills - understanding the principles fondamemtali - parameterisation 30/30

Recommended reading
Aldo Fiale, Compendio di Diritto Urbanistico, Ed. Simone, ult. ed

  • Ingegneria Edile-Architettura (Corso di Laurea Magistrale con Riconoscimento Europeo (DM 270/04))

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