Facoltà di Ingegneria - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Laboratorio di Meccatronica
Laboratory of Mechatronics
Giuseppe Conte

Seat Ingegneria
A.A. 2015/2016
Credits 9
Hours 72
Period I
Language ENG

Basic notions of automatic control, computer sciences, electronics

Learning outcomes
The student should acquire knowledge on the principles and techniques for the design and control of mechatronic systems. The course aims at promoting the acquisition of the necessary practice in the design of mechatronic systems with particular emphasis on control aspects.

- Mechatronics systems: examples, characteristics, features. - Control aspects in mechatronics systems.. - Design and realization of mechatronics systems. - Design and realization of controllers for mechatronics systems.. - Realization of simple mecha

Development of the examination
Students are required to perform a team work (normally 3 students per team) consisting in the design, implementation and development by the entire class of one or more mechatronic devices that meet a set of specifications and perform accordingly. The work must be documented, specifying the contribution of the individual student, by means of weekly reports, that are discussed with the teacher, and by means of a final summary report, that is illustrated during a final oral examination, with the help of video and/or slides and/or practical tests.

The work is evaluated according to the following criteria: attendance, ability to interact with the group, respect of deadlines; ability to define formally, to analyze and to summarize practical design, construction and testing problems; ability to design and to implement solutions to the considered problems; adequacy of the proposed solutions in relation to the specifications; ability to document the work done through weekly reports and final presentation; clarity and correcteness of the final presentation.

Grade for each of the above criteria is as following: - totally missing: 0 points – seriously not sufficient (lack of competence, substantial errors and/or substantial gaps that prevent the fulfillment of specifications): 1 point – moderately not sufficient (marginal errors and/or marginal gaps that do prevent the fulfillment of specifications): 2 points - sufficient (substantial absence of substantial errors and/or substantial gaps; specifications are substantially fulfilled): 3 points - good (absence of errors and/or gaps; specifications are fulfilled): 4 points – very good (high competence, reliability and autonomy; specifications are completely fulfilled): 5 points.

The overall grade is the sum of the gades obtained for each criterion. 30/30 cum Laude is for candidates who master completely the topics and are able to illustrate them clearly.

Recommended reading
: Lecture notes

  • Ingegneria Informatica e dell'Automazione (Corso di Laurea Magistrale (DM 270/04))

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P.zza Roma 22, 60121 Ancona
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