Facoltà di Ingegneria - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Azionamenti per l'Automazione
Electric Drives for Automation
Gianluca Ippoliti

Seat Ingegneria
A.A. 2016/2017
Credits 9
Hours 72
Period II
Language ENG

Elements of modeling and control of dynamical systems; Elements of modeling and control of DC motors; Elements of electronics; Elements of electrotechnics; Elements of computing engineering;

Learning outcomes
This course provides students with knowledge of principles of operation and of the electrical and mechanical characteristics of electric motors. The main objective is to equip the students with the competence to design electrical motor control systems and to choose actuator systems for different industrial applications.
The student will be able to apply the acquired know to: 1, choose appropriately electric drives for the design and development of automation systems; 2, identify models, approaches and algorithms for the design of advanced control systems to be applied in real world operating conditions; 3, choose appropriately models and methodologies for the evaluation of the performance and sizing of components and systems; 4, laboratory work, design and conduct appropriate experiments, interpret the data and draw conclusions, working in teams with other elements involved in the study of the problem
The execution of an exercise to solve a problem that will be done in team and that will lead to a report, will improve in the students the degree of independence of judgment, the ability to communicate with others members of a team, and the ability to learn independently and to draw conclusions.

General structure of an electrical drive. Rotating magnetic field. Park transformation. Static and dynamic analysis of asynchronous and synchronous electrical machines. Control systems for electric drives with asynchronous motor and permanent magnet synchronous motor. Electric power converters. Trajectory planning for electric drives.

Development of the examination
The evaluation is oral. In the oral exam the student is asked to present the knowledge gained on the principles of operation and on the electrical and mechanical characteristics of the electric drives illustrated during lessons. An optional project on one of the topics covered during the lessons is proposed to each student.

The student, during the oral test, has to, independently and correctly, present and discuss the eventual developed project and demonstrate that she/he has the necessary knowledge and expertise on the technologies and methodologies for the design of electrical drives, illustrated during lessons. In addition, students must demonstrate sufficient capacity to judge, select, synthesize and clearly explain ideas, concepts and technological solutions presented during lectures.

During the exam, is evaluated the student's independent ability to set and solve the posed problems. It is also evaluated the ability to properly use the technologies and methodologies for the design of electrical drives.

The final mark is assigned summing up the evaluation of the oral examination and of the eventual developed project. The student can achieve up to a maximum of 10 points in the project. The oral exam is divided into two or three questions, depending on whether or not the student will present the project. Each question is evaluated with a score ranging from 0 to 10 points. The maximum mark, equal to thirty points cum laude, is awarded to students who demonstrate a full autonomy to set and solve problems and complete mastery of the methodologies and technologies for the design of electrical drives. The minimum mark, equal to eighteen, is assigned to students who demonstrate to be able to solve placed problems and sufficient knowledge of the methodologies and technologies for the design of electrical drives.

Recommended reading
A. Bellini, “Elettronica Industriale 2 – Azionamenti con Motore in Corrente Alternata”, Aracne Editrice, Roma, 2006. A. E. Fitzgerald, C. Kingsley Jr., A. Kusko, “Macchine elettriche”, Franco Angeli Editore, 2006. L. Bonometti, “Convertitori di Potenza e Servomotori Brushless“, UTET Periodici, Editoriale Delfino, Milano, 2001. R. W. Erickson and D. Maksimovic. “Fundamentals of Power Electronics”. Springer, 2001. C. Melchiorri, “Traiettorie per Azionamenti Elettrici”, Progetto Leonardo, Società Editrice Esculapio, Bologna, 2000. F. Ciampolini, “Elettrotecnica Generale“, Pitagora Editrice Bologna, 1990. Teaching materials: https://lms.univpm.it/

  • Ingegneria Informatica e dell'Automazione (Corso di Laurea Magistrale (DM 270/04))

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