Facoltà di Ingegneria - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Automazione Industriale (INF)
Silvia Maria Zanoli

Seat Ingegneria
A.A. 2015/2016
Credits 9
Hours 72
Period I
Language ENG

Elements of linear algebra, Rudiments of linear matricial algebra., elements of mathematical analysis.

Learning outcomes
On completion of the course the student should know the structure, the classes of components, purpose and organization of an automated manufacturing system. He should have acquired skills in the use of methods and techniques for modeling, simulation and analysis of industrial automation systems considered as discrete-events systems.

Concepts of production systems and production processes. Automation production systems and their classification. Production equipment. Process and manufacturing productions automation. Flexibility of the manufacturing systems: general elements. Principal performance indexes. DCS systems Part B: Modeling and control of Discrete Events Systems (DES). Discrete Events Systems (DES) concepts review; their use in modeling productive processes. Importance of DES for engineers and relevant features of control of such systems. Preliminary elements on automata and Petri Nets as DES modeling formalisms. Fundamental properties, elementary operations and compositions of automata. Fundamental properties of the Petri nets. Place and Transition-invariant. Modeling of typical elements of the manufacturing systems. Examples of production systems models . Analysis of cyclic production systems. Supervisory Control of DES using Petri Nets. Uncontrollability and unobservability concepts. Extention of the supervisory control methods to the uncontrollable or unobservable case. LADDER and SFC languages for PLC programing and their application for the development of control logics to be applied on a scaled manufacturing plant.

Development of the examination
The assessment of student learning consists of two tests to evaluate the theoretical skills (written test and oral test) and a practical test of the design and implementation of a control system on a time scale manufacturing system aiming at verifying the ability to apply the concepts learned. It 's possible to take the written test in two partial tests by dividing the topics of the course. The written test is in preparation for the oral exam. The oral examination must be supported in the same examination session of the written test. In case of failure of the oral exam, the student must also repeat the written test.

The evaluation the learning takes into account the results of verification tests / learning measurements and skills acquired and the ability to overcome any deficiency encountered by the results of the tests.

The measure of the learning by means of written test is intended to test the modeling ability of discrete event systems and verify the capability of using of the analysis and synthesis tools for such systems. To perform the written test a time limit is g

In order to pass the exam with a minimum score the student must have knowledge of all the course subjects. Further score will be awarded by demonstrating in-depth knowledge of the content of the course in the written and oral test s. The ”lode” is given to students who, having done all the tests correctly, have demonstrated a particular brilliance in the oral and in the preparation of written assignments and in the design activity.

Recommended reading
Lecture notes For further readings the following texts are recommended: Proth Xie, “Petri Nets: a tool for Design and Management of Manufacturing Systems”, Wiley Moody J.O., Antsaklis P. J., Supervisory Control of Discrete Event Systems Using Petri Net

  • Ingegneria Informatica e dell'Automazione (Corso di Laurea Triennale (DM 270/04))

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