Facoltà di Ingegneria - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Sicurezza nelle Reti di Telecomunicazione
Telecommunication Network Security
Marco Baldi

Seat Ingegneria
A.A. 2015/2016
Credits 9
Hours 72
Period II
Language ENG

It is necessary that the students have some familiarity with the basic concepts of Telecommunications.

Learning outcomes
Know and understand the theoretical foundations and the most widely used techniques to ensure the security of the messages exchanged in telecommunications networks. Know the best-known encryption algorithms, authentication and digital signing of messages.

Introduction to information security and cryptography Principles of number theory Principles of information theory Principles of coding theory Private-key and public-key cryptography Examples of cryptographic systems: DES, AES, RSA Cryptographic systems based on error correcting codes Hash functions Protocols for digital signatures Protocols for networks security Physical layer security Software exercises on security techniques

Development of the examination
The exam consists of an oral test. It will also be proposed to each student to perform an in-depth analysis by carrying out a project or, at the option of the student, preparing a paper on one of the topics of the course.

The student, during the oral test, will have to present and discuss the project or paper and demonstrate the theoretical and practical knowledge of techniques for ensuring security in telecommunications networks. To successfully pass the oral exam, the student will have to demonstrate an overall knowledge of the contents of the course, presented in a sufficiently correct way and with the use of proper technical terminology. The highest rating is achieved by demonstrating a thorough understanding of the course contents, exposed with mastery of the technical language.

Attribution of the final mark out of thirty.

The final mark will be computed by adding the evaluation of the oral examination to that of the project or paper prepared by the student. The student will be able to achieve up to a maximum of 10 points through the presentation and discussion of the project or the paper. The oral exam will be divided into two or three questions, depending on whether or not the student will present the project or paper. Each question will be evaluated with a score ranging from 0 to 10 points. Honors students will be those who achieve the highest rating and also demonstrate full mastery of the subject.

Recommended reading
[1] W. Trappe, L. C. Washington, “Introduction to Cryptography with Coding Theory”, Pearson – Prentice Hall. [2] G. Kabatiansky, E. Krouk, S. Semenov, “Error correcting coding and security for data networks”, Wiley. [3] M. Baldi, “QC-LDPC Code-Based Cryp

  • Ingegneria Elettronica (Corso di Laurea Magistrale (DM 270/04))

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