Facoltà di Ingegneria - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Reti e Sistemi Multimediali
Networks and Multimedia Systems
Paola Pierleoni

Seat Ingegneria
A.A. 2015/2016
Credits 9
Hours 72
Period I
Language ENG

This course requires the knowledge of the basic concepts of signal and telecommunications theory.

Learning outcomes
Know and understand the teachings of temetiche "Telecommunication Networks" in more detail, focusing on services and, in particular, on those media.

General: Internet of Things (IoTs). Wireless Sensor Network (WSNs) and Wireless Body Sensor Networks (WBSNs): Sensor Network protocol stack. Physical Layer, Data Link Layer, Network Layer, Transport and Application Layers. Design constrains and WBSNs applications. TCP/IP: IPv4, IPv6, TCP/IP protocol stack. Fragmentation. High level protocols. Home Multiedia Networks: Types of Services. Issues of QoS. Home Networking technologies and systems. Overview of Standards: Home Plug AV (Audio Visual), Home Plug Green PHY, Home Plug AV2. BPL. Internet of Things over IP protocol Architecture: QoS: delay, jitter, packet loss, TCP, UDP. 6LowPAN. RPL. uIP. Next Generation Networks: Core Network evolution, Next Generation Access, Metro Ethernet, Wireless Access, DWDM, Ubiquitous Networks&RFID, Mobile Network Evolution (4G-The Next Generation Wireless Networks, Cognitive RN-Smart Radios). Workshop and seminars. Sensors: Inertial sensors (IMU). Biometric sensors. Data fusion algorithms. Classification techniques. Fall detection algorithms. AAL systems. Arduino: Tutorial on Arduino and programming in a series of practical realizations (applications of smart lighting and power metering systems, proximity detection, IMU , wearable biomedical devices , etc.). Tranceivers: Bluetooth, BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy). IEEE 802.15.4 Android programming: Android programming tutorial. GUI development for various applications. Localization techniques: Development and application of a WSN system for indoor localization.

Development of the examination
The students learning assessment is done through a verbal examination that covers specific topics of the course. This assessment can optionally also include the presentation and discussion of a project chosen among those proposed by the teacher. The project is typically a practical implementation of one of the topics covered in the course. It will be presented in the form of technical report and / or hw / sw prototype version, typically a Wireless Sensor Network subsystem. The project can be done in groups. The size of each group shall be agreed with the teacher on the basis of the complexity of the chosen project. The discussion of the project and the verbal examination must take place with the participation of all students belonging to the same group.

The student must demonstrate an understanding of the fundamental concepts of network architectures and protocol stacks discussed during the course to successfully pass the assessment of learning. In addition, the student must identify the problems and the design criteria with reference to the different application fields, the specific quality of service and traffic parameters. The student must know how to apply, in independent way, those criteria and procedures to the design of simple network architectures, offering the most suitable protocols for each layer of the stack, taking account of the issues involved. The student, during the verbal examination, may present and discuss an optional project, showing knowledge and methodological skills and technological constraints of the proposed solution.

The verbal examination is evaluated by a score of thirty.

During the verbal examination the student must obtain a score of at least eighteen points in order to have a positive evaluation. The student must demonstrate an overall knowledge of the topics and present them in a correct manner and with the use of proper technical terminology to successfully pass the verbal examination. In case of submission of a project, it must fullfil the minimal functional requirements agreed with the teacher.The student must demonstrate a thorough understanding of topics presented with a mastery of technical language to get the maximum score. Praise is given to students who perform correctly the verbal examination and show a particular brilliance and mastery of the topics.

Recommended reading
Jean-Philippe Vasseur, Adam Dunkels, “Interconnecting Smart Objects with IP: The Next Internet”, Elsevier. Lawrence Harte, “Home Media Networks: Systems, Technologies, and Operation”, Althos Publishing. William Stallings, ”High-speed networks and interne

  • Ingegneria Elettronica (Corso di Laurea Magistrale (DM 270/04))

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