Facoltà di Ingegneria - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Campi Elettromagnetici
Electromagnetic Fields
Antonio Morini

Seat Ingegneria
A.A. 2016/2017
Credits 6
Hours 48
Period II
Language ENG

Electromagnetics, fundamentals, Physics, Calculus, Linear Algebra.

Learning outcomes
Knowledge of the equations governing Electromagnetic phenomena and solution in a number of relevant cases, including radiation and guided propagation. Wave propagation speed. Energy and power. Knowledge of the Circuital models of basic. electromagnetic problems Measurement of radiated and guided electromagnetic waves.
Being able to evaluate the electromagnetic fields in problems concerning reflection, refraction, and interference of plane waves in linear and isotropic media. Being able to evaluate the electromagnetic fields of plane waves propagating within a magnetized ferrite. Being able to evaluate the electromagnetic fields of waves propagating in a coaxial and a rectangular waveguide. Being able to select a waveguide. Being able to measure a standing wave in waveguide due to a mismatched load and to determine the corresponding circuit parameters.
The study of Electromagnetism requires the student to exploit methods and notions acquired from basic lectures, in particular Physics, Fundamentals of Electromagnetism, Calculus, Linear Algebra, as well as Circuit Theory and Signal Theory. Indeed, it is a multidisciplinary activity, deeply stimulating the synthesis ability,  which is a paradigm of the way an engineer faces real problems.

Maxwell's equations. Plane waves. Reflection and Transmission. Radiation: hertzian dipole. Waveguides. Transmission lines representing waveguides. Reciprocity theorem. Excitation of electromagnetic waves in waveguides.

Development of the examination
Written and oral examination. Passing the written part with score higher than 18/30 is a prerequisite to be admitted to the oral examination. The written test consists of three exercises, whose individual score ranges from 8/30 to 12/30. Such exercises concern the main three topics of the course: reflection and rifraction of a plane wave, guided waves, circuit analysis.

The two parts of the exams are aimed at evaluating the candidate's skill in the subject, according to the following parameters: knowlegde, understanding, implementation, presentation. Passing the written past, aimed at assessing both knowlegde and implementation, is a necessary condition for exam success.

The purpose of the examination is to assess the candidate's skill. There are three reference levels: base - acquistion of procedures for the solution of canonical problems, as those of the written test. Oral presentation sufficient with a few uncertainesses in the usage of specific language.intermediate - ability to apply the above procedures to problems not obviously related to canonical problems. Oral part presented correcly and in proper order. top - ability of exploiting models and developing strategies requiring the combination of procedures for solving non familiar problems. Oral presentation clear, logical and appropriate.

The mark is allocated on the basis of the acquired knowledge. A score ranging from 18/30 and 23/30 is attributed to the level 'base', a score ranging from 24/30 to 27/30 to the intermediate level, and a score between 28/30 and 30/30 to the top level. A candidate is awarded cum laude when they are able to deal even with new problems in a fully autonomous way.

Recommended reading
S Ramo, J. R. Whinnery, T. Van Duzer: 'Fields and Waves in Communication Electronics', J. Wiley; D. Pozar: ‘Microwave Engineering’, Mc Graw Hill

  • Ingegneria Elettronica (Corso di Laurea Triennale (DM 270/04))

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