Facoltà di Ingegneria - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Applicazioni Industriali dell'Elettromagnetismo
Industrial Aplications of Electromagnetics
Valter Mariani Primiani

Seat Ingegneria
A.A. 2015/2016
Credits 9
Hours 72
Period I
Language ENG

Basic electromgnetics - Circuit theory fundamentals - Electronic principles - Signal theory fundamentals.

Learning outcomes
Know the major industrial processes which use electromagnetic waves. Acquire the skills needed to sizing the implant. Know the main sources used and the components of the industrial chain. risks exhibition. methods of measurement of electromagnetic fields

RF and MW power sources - Transmission lines - waveguides - Resonant cavities - Isolators - Matching techniques - Directional couples - Scattering parameters - Impedance measurements - Spectral analysis - measurement of electromagnetic fields - Electromagnetic fields in matter - Induction heating - Dielectric heating - Permittivity measurements - Biological effects of electromagnetic fields - Radiation hazard and risk assessment - Electrical safety fundamentals - Electromagnetic compatibility principles - National and international standards.

Development of the examination
The examination is oral and it consists in three questions about all the topics. If required, the questions that require some calculation execution will be answered in a written form during the oral examination itself. The questions that require to draw some block diagrams, electric schemes, graphics, and the execution of analytical demonstrations will be answered in a written form during the oral examination itself. Real cases analysed during the course could require to provide a written report by the student. This report could be used to formulate one question during the examination.

Students must explain the topics in a sufficiently corrected way using adequate technical words and phrases. The ability to demonstrate and to apply the principles of the industrial application of the electromagnetic fields will be checked, together with the ability to put in relationship several topics and to analyse real practical cases. The highest score will be obtained showing a deep knowledge of the topics presented using a valuable technical language.

A score ranging from zero up to ten will be assigned to each question. The score will be given in thirtieths.

The final score is the sum of the score of all questions. The examination is passed if the total score will be equal or greater than eighteen. The “30/30 with distinction” score is reserved to those students who, in addition to a correct and complete answer to all questions, show a strong ability and autonomy in theoretical demonstrations.

Recommended reading
“Foundations and Applications of Microwave and Radio Frequency fields”, G. Roussy, J.A. Pearce, John Wiley & Sons. “Il riscaldamento a Microonde: principi e applicazioni”, Autori vari (a cura di Cristina Leonelli), Pitagora Editrice Bologna Any book on E

  • Ingegneria Elettronica (Corso di Laurea Triennale (DM 270/04))

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